daugavpils universitāte izglītības un vadības fakultāte

daugavpils universitāte izglītības un vadības fakultāte

daugavpils universitāte izglītības un vadības fakultāte


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13. Belousa, I., Stakle, A. Intercultural Issues of Metacontent of Teacher Education. International APERA<br />

conference „Educational Research for Innovation and Quality in Education: Policy and Pedagogical<br />

Engagements Across Contexts”. National Institute of Education: Singapore, 26-28 November, p.174-<br />

175, 2008.<br />

14. Stakle, A., Belousa, I. (2008). Blending media and intercultural dimensions of teacher education.<br />

Abstracts of the International APERA Conference “Educational Research for Innovation and Quality<br />

in Education: Policy and Pedagogical Engagements Across Contexts”. National Institute of<br />

Education: Singapore, 26-28 November<br />

15. Salite, I., Salītis, A., Iliško, Dz. Experience of reorienting teacher education towards sustainability in<br />

Latvia. International conference “Working together on Education for Sustainable Development” ,<br />

Bordeaux, France, 27- 29 October<br />

16. Pipere, A. (2008) Identity of doctoral students in time perspective: Dynamics of dialogue. The Fifth<br />

International Conference on Dialogical Self. Cambridge, UK, August 26-29, 2008, pp. 103-104.<br />

17. Iliško, Dz., Ignatjeva, S., Micule, I. (2008) Doing research with children:The experience of doing<br />

research in the primary schools in Latvia. International seminar “Sharing Responsibilities and<br />

Networking through the School Process” , Seville, Spain, 8-11 September.<br />

18. Micule, I., Iliško, Dz. (2008) Student‟s reflection on being a teacher in preschool and primary school:<br />

expierence of school practice. International seminar “Sharing Responsibilities and Networking<br />

through the School Process” , Seville, Spain, 8-11 September.<br />

19. Skrinda, A. (2008) Meaningful learning as a gro<strong>un</strong>d for foreign language learner sustainable<br />

development. International seminar “Sharing Responsibilities and Networking through the School<br />

Process” , Seville, Spain, 8-11 September.<br />

20. Stakle, A. The Role of Media Literacy in teacher Education. International seminar „Sharing<br />

Responsibilities and Networking through the School Process” , Seville, Spain, 8-11 September.<br />

21. Oļehnoviča, E., Bogdanova, T. (2008) The organization of youth free time in Latvia: youth policy<br />

implementor‟s and yo<strong>un</strong>gster‟s opinion. 1st International conference Educational Leadership:<br />

nurturing meaning in a context of change. University of Malta, Malta, 12-14 November, p. 45.<br />

22. Makarevičs, V. (2008) Professional Identity of Teacher-Researcher: Process of formation and<br />

Normative Crisis. 14th European Conference on Personality. Program and Abstracts. Tartu, Estonia,<br />

July 16-20. p.164.<br />

23. Grabovska, R. (2008) Education for change: integration of sustainable development in teaching and<br />

learning content (Izglītība pārmaiľām; ilgtspējīgas attīstības integrēšana mācību saturā).<br />

Starptautiskās konferences “Vides zinātnes <strong>un</strong> izglītība Latvijā <strong>un</strong> Eiropā” rakstu krājums, Rīga, 14.<br />

marts, p. 30.-31 [ISBN 978–9984-32–588–0]<br />

24. Makarevich, V. (2008) Features of formation of professional identity of the teacher-researcher.<br />

Abstracts of the 50 th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Daugavpils, 15 –<br />

17 May, p.66 [ISBN 978–9984–14–396–5]<br />

25. Makarevičs, V. (2008) Ilgtspējīgā izglītība <strong>un</strong> karjeras attīstība. Abstracts of the 5 th International<br />

Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Daugavpils, 15– 17 May, p.91. [ISBN 978–9984–14–<br />

396–5]<br />

26. Макаревич, В.(2008) Цвето-символический анализ фильма «Винсент и Тео». Abstracts of the<br />

50 th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Daugavpils, 15 – 17 May, p.66.<br />

[ISBN 978–9984–14– 396–5]<br />


Simpoziju, konferenču, kongresu, semināru u.c. pasākumu organizēšana<br />

Konferences nosaukums<br />

Reģionālā sagatavošanās konference<br />

Starptautiskās <strong>izglītības</strong> konferences<br />

48. sesijai, Eiropas <strong>un</strong> Ziemeļamerikas<br />

reģions “Iekļaujošā izglītība: no<br />

politiskā dialoga līdz saskaľotai<br />

darbībai”:<br />

Prof.Anita Pipere:<br />

- konferences sagatavošanas<br />

darba grupas locekle;<br />

- konferences apaļā galda<br />

diskusijas līdzmoderatore;<br />

Norises laiks,<br />

vieta<br />

2008. 24.-<br />

26.februāris<br />

Latvijas<br />

Universitāte,<br />

Rīga, Latvija<br />

96<br />

Atbildīgais<br />

organizators<br />

UNESCO<br />

Latvijas<br />

Nacionālās<br />

komisijas,<br />

UNESCO<br />

Starptautiskā<br />

<strong>izglītības</strong><br />

biroja <strong>un</strong><br />

Izglītības <strong>un</strong><br />

zinātnes<br />

ministrijas<br />

Dalībnieku skaits<br />


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