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daugavpils universitāte izglītības un vadības fakultāte


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Ilisko, Dz. (2006c) The Challenges of Pedagogy: Reclaiming One‟s Voice to Construct a Just World.<br />

Tin Sinha, S. & Gupta, A. (ed.) At Risk Population, Sociolonguistic Educational Issues. New<br />

Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributions, pp. 53-64<br />

Kravale, M. (2006) Ja<strong>un</strong>iešu neformālās <strong>izglītības</strong> izpratnes sociālais aspekts. // Journal of Science<br />

Education. Bogota, Colombia, pp. 39 -42<br />

Pipere, A., Salite, I. (2006) Educational Action Research in Teacher Education: Fostering Research<br />

Skills. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference<br />

„Educational research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization‟ 2006, Hong-Kong. CD,<br />

Q61, 15 pages.<br />

Salitis, A., Salite, I. (2006) Mission of Nature Sciences Education in Context of Social, Ecological, and<br />

Economical Changes. International Conference 2006, Asia-Pacific Educational Research<br />

Association „Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization” Hong Kong<br />

28.-30. November 2006, R31, 1 p.<br />

Slahova, A., Savvina, J., Stakle, A. (2006) The Dynamic of Development of Creative Activities in<br />

Visual Art, international annual conference “Hawaii International Conference on Arts and<br />

Humanities”, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA pp. 7183-7196<br />

Publikācijas Eiropas mēroga konferencēs (Somijā, Nīderlandē, Lielbritānijā, Ukrainā, Krievijā)<br />

Badjanova, J. (2006) Development of Musical Culture in Preschool and Elementary School Teacher<br />

Education. Ceturtās starptautiskās JTET konferences “Sustainable Development. Culture.<br />

Education” tēţu krājums, 31.maijs-3. jūnijs, Helsinki, Somija: Department of Applied Sciences of<br />

Education, Finland. pp. 57.-58<br />

Čapulis, S., Badjanova, J. (2006) Theoretical Analysis of the use of Music at Sport Classes in the<br />

context of Sustainable Development. Ceturtās starptautiskās JTET konferences “Sustainable<br />

Development. Culture. Education” tēţu krājums, 31.maijs-3. jūnijs, Helsinki, Somija: Department<br />

of Applied Sciences of Education, Finland. pp. 63.-64<br />

Grabovska, R. (2006) Implementation of sustainability as a pedagogical category in teacher education.<br />

Ceturtās starptautiskās JTET konferences “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education” tēţu<br />

krājums, 31.maijs-3. jūnijs, Helsinki, Somija: Department of Applied Sciences of Education,<br />

Finland. pp. 1<br />

Kazakeviča, I., Maklakova, V., Stalidzane, S. (2006) Education for Democracy as a Part of Education<br />

for Sustainable Development. Ceturtās starptautiskās JTET konferences “Sustainable<br />

Development. Culture. Education” tēţu krājums, 31.maijs-3. jūnijs, Helsinki, Somija: Department<br />

of Applied Sciences of Education, Finland. pp. 68-69<br />

Guseva, V. (2006) Princciples of Efficient Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Primary School<br />

of General Education. 4. starptautiskā JTET (JORNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND<br />

TRAINING) konference. Sustainable development. Culture and education.- Helsinki, Finland. CD.<br />

Belousa, I. (2006) Defining spirituality in education: Post-Soviet perspective. In M.de Souza et.al.<br />

(Eds.) International Handbook of the Religious, Spiritual and Moral Dimensions of Education.<br />

Dordrecht, NL: Springer, pp. 215-230<br />

Ilisko, Dz. (2006) Ecofeminism – a healing perspective for reshaping religious education. In M.de<br />

Souza et.al. (Eds.) International Handbook of the Religious, Spiritual and Moral Dimensions of<br />

Education. Dordrecht, NL: Springer, pp. 127-140<br />

Belousa, I. (2006) The Seventh International Conference on Children‟s Spirituality University of<br />

Winchester, UK 23 – 27 July 2006: Conference Report. International Journal of Children‟s<br />

Spirituality. 11 (3): pp. 397-399.<br />


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