11.12.2012 Aufrufe

Untersuchungen zur bakteriellen Erkrankung Acidovorax ...

Untersuchungen zur bakteriellen Erkrankung Acidovorax ...

Untersuchungen zur bakteriellen Erkrankung Acidovorax ...


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6 SUMMARY<br />

The aim of this study was to contribute to clarifying the epidemiology of the<br />

phytopathogenic bacterium <strong>Acidovorax</strong> valerianellae on corn salad [Valerianella<br />

locusta (L.)]. To this end, research was conducted on infection conditions, cultivar<br />

sensitivities, transmission paths and seeds. Based on these results, control strategies<br />

shall be demonstrated.<br />

The tests performed under infectious conditions revealed that the infection of<br />

A. valerianellae is dependent on temperature, leaf age, inoculum concentration and<br />

leaf moisture, as well as the relative humidity. Inoculation was possible at<br />

temperatures between 10 °C and 30 °C. It was possible for leaves of any age to be<br />

infected. Moreover, infection was independent of the inoculum concentration, and<br />

occurred between 10 2 and 10 7 cfu/ml. The speed of infection and the characteristics<br />

of the symptoms increased with increasing temperature, leaf age and inoculum<br />

concentration. Both the duration of leaf moisture and the relative humidity played a<br />

crucial role in the infection process. Under dry conditions, inoculated corn salad<br />

plants developed no symptoms. However, infestation increased significantly under<br />

humid conditions or during humid periods. Five hours of leaf moisture sufficed for<br />

an infection to occur.<br />

It was demonstrated that targeted dry growth conditions with short leaf moisture<br />

periods constitute an option for controlling A. valerianellae.<br />

All 13 tested commercial corn salad cultivars were prone to A. valerianellae.<br />

However, the resistance of the wild type V. rimosa was confirmed.<br />

For this reason, it seems advisable to cross the wild type with commercial cultivars.<br />

A. valerianellae endured for up to eleven months in the soil. Some of the corn salad<br />

cultivars cultivated immediately (and one up to eleven months, respectively) after<br />

infected plants were severely infected. The number of infected plants decreased in<br />

line with increased rotting of infected old plant material.<br />

A cultivation break of at least twelve months and the rotation of crops therefore<br />

appear to be appropriate ways to eliminate A. valerianellae from the soil.<br />


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