Disserations by Mr. Dooley (1906) - Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt

Disserations by Mr. Dooley (1906) - Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt

Disserations by Mr. Dooley (1906) - Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt


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The Intellectual Life<br />

fr'm home an' enthers wan iv these here siminaries.<br />

He was licked yisterdah f'r neglectin' to scrub below<br />

the chin, but to-morroh he will be cheerin' wildly<br />

while Pro-fissor Bumpus tells him universal suffrage<br />

was a bad break. If he has a weak chest, an' can't<br />

play futball, he goes on imbibin' wisdom ontil he<br />

arrives at th' dew pint, whin his alma mather hurls<br />

him at th' onforchnit wurruld. He knows fifty thousan'<br />

things, but th' on'y wan iv thim that he cud<br />

prove is that Heffelfinger was a gr-reat futball<br />

player. Thin begins his rale colledge career. Th'<br />

ate coorse is th' best in th' wurruld. Th'<br />

post-gradj<br />

enthrance fee is all he has. Th' wurruld takes it<br />

away fr'm him th' minyit he thries to apply his colledge<br />

pro-fissor's idee that undher th' doctrine iv<br />

probabilities two pair ought to beat three iv a kind.<br />

He hasn't on'y wan new pro-fissor, but twinty mill-<br />

yon, old an' young, rich an' especyally women. He can't<br />

poor, men an' women,<br />

shirk his lessons. He<br />

has to be up in th' mornin' bright an' arly larnin'<br />

an' passin' examinations. He's on'y told annything<br />

wanst. If he don't raymimber it th' next time he is<br />

asked, some pro-fissor gives him a thump on th' head.<br />

time he don't like his dear ol' alma mather he<br />

Anny<br />

can quit. Th' wurruld ain't advertisin' f'r anny<br />

students. It has no competitors, an' th' lists are<br />

always full. Th' coorse lasts fr'm wan to sixty years,<br />

an' it gets harder to'rd th' commincemint day. If<br />

he's a good scholar, an' behaves himsilf , an' listens to<br />

th' pro-fissors, and wurruks hard, he can gradjate<br />

with honors. In anny case, he is allowed to write out<br />

his own diploma. He knows best what he is en-<br />

titled to."<br />


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