Developmental psychology.pdf

Developmental psychology.pdf

Developmental psychology.pdf


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130 Modes of Awareness<br />

*l knew a guy who was color<br />

blind and didn't even know it until<br />

he took a test for the army. He<br />

passed the rest of the test easily<br />

and had 20/20 vision, but they<br />

made some kind of restriction on<br />

what he could do as a Gl because<br />

sometimes he couldn't tell red and<br />

green apart very well.<br />

The opponent-process theory also postulates three types of receptor mechanisms<br />

in the retina, but a two-way reaction is assumed in each case. The receptors<br />

respond to red-green, yellow-blue, and black-white stimulation, each functioning in<br />

reciprocal fashion. When the yellow-blue structure is stimulated by yellow, it develops<br />

increasing sensitivity to blue and decreasing sensitivity to, yellow.<br />

The phenomenon of visual afterimages lends some support to this view. When<br />

you look at a bright green light, the color remains for a moment after you cease looking<br />

at it, an outcome called a positive afterimage. This carryover is soon replaced by an<br />

image of the complementary color, known as the negative afterimage, which here will<br />

have a reddish hue. In the red-green, yellow-blue, and black-white pairings of positive<br />

and negative afterimages, we have the basic elements of the opponent-process theory<br />

(Plate 7).<br />

Furthermore, additive mixtures of red and green, obtained with a rotating<br />

color wheel, do not yield reddish green, just as yellow and blue do not give yellowish<br />

blue. The outcome is gray, whereas mixtures of noncomplementary colors show both<br />

components, blue and red giving violet, yellow and red giving orange, and so forth. The<br />

reason, according to opponent-process theory, is that each receptor can respond only<br />

to one complementary color; excitation of one process automatically opposes the other.<br />

Subtractive mixtures are another matter, for here yellow and blue colored pencils, for<br />

example, give green, as you well know.<br />

Opponent-process theory remains relevant despite discovery of the three types<br />

of cones proposed in the trichromatic theory. The third receptor, through black-white<br />

responsiveness, is presumed to account for the experience of brightness, and on these<br />

bases the overall evidence appears to support a combination of both theories. The trichromatic<br />

theory seems appropriate at the receptor level, inasmuch as there are three<br />

types of cones, and the opponent-process appears relevant at a higher level, in terms<br />

of neural activities closer to the brain, involving such phenomena as afterimages, color<br />

mixture, and perhaps color blindness (Hurvich & Jameson, 1957).<br />

The most common deficiency in color blindness, in which the individual is unable<br />

to see colors, is the inability to discriminate reds and greens of the same brightness.<br />

Yellow-blue color blindness is encountered less frequently. These defects always<br />

involve both red and green or both yellow and blue. When one color is absent, the<br />

opposing or complementary color is absent as well, apparently providing still further<br />

evidence for the opponent-process view. To be adequate, a theory of color vision must<br />

explain why so many people suffer red-green color blindness and why the periphery<br />

of the human retina is not as sensitive to red and green as to blue and yellow<br />

(Plate 8).*<br />

Capacity for Hearing<br />

The other "higher sense" in human beings is hearing, a most critical source of information<br />

in our daily lives. Here sound waves, the physical stimuli for hearing, are produced<br />

by vibrating bodies and transmitted through the air to the eardrum, where they<br />

stimulate nerve fibers. When the resulting nerve impulses reach the brain, auditory<br />

experiences occur.<br />

The experience of pitch, which is the relative position of a tone on a scale, is<br />

determined partly by the frequency of vibrations. Low frequencies produce low pitch;<br />

high frequencies produce high pitch. The human ear is attuned to frequencies ranging<br />

from 20 to 20,000 hertz, but it is most sensitive between 2,000 and 4,000 hertz.<br />

The loudness or strength of a sound is primarily a function of the sound pressure<br />

activating the eardrum. It depends upon the degree of displacement of the vibrating<br />

body from the resting position. As an example, consider the difference in<br />

displacement between a lightly plucked and vigorously struck guitar string.

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