Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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cha otic event had been noth <strong>in</strong>g other than an or ches trated Iron Guard orfascist cha rade, or ga nized for the purpose of ex ter mi nat <strong>in</strong>g Jews.De spite the fact that, through these <strong>in</strong> ves ti ga tions, ev ery lead <strong>in</strong>g per son al -ity be came acqua<strong>in</strong>ted with the truth, nobody thought that the le thal poi -son, with which the soul of the masses had been im preg nated, should beneu tral ized.The contrary was to be the case. Hardly had the fren zied at mo sphere be -gun to nor mal ize than the new mil i tary commander of the town, GeneralDumitru Carlaont , is sued an edict that all Jews were to wear signs to dis -t<strong>in</strong> guish themselves from other cit i zens. This served to cre ate fresh con di -tions for anx i ety and suf fer <strong>in</strong>g. As a re sult of the same edict, a num ber ofJews from Iasi were chased out of their homes, and for bid den to take any -th<strong>in</strong>g with them, apart from their clothes.The av a lanche of mea sures aga<strong>in</strong>st Jews began: the or ga ni za tion of la borser vice, loan subscriptions, the ex pul sion of ten ants and own ers from theirflats, de por ta tion to Transnistria , etc.These mea sures, how ever, were still not enough to sat isfy some of fi cials.New attempts were made at organized provocation; as <strong>in</strong> the case when‘provocative ob jects’ were found <strong>in</strong> the syn a gogue <strong>in</strong> Ger man Street,among the ob jects <strong>in</strong> question was a portrait of Sta l<strong>in</strong>, which may havebeen planted there by the po lice.As frame-ups and acts of prov o ca tion showed no signs of success, of fi cialsturned to the cen tral au thor i ties with their ghastly pro pos als. Po lice Su per -<strong>in</strong> ten dent Lieu ten ant-Col o nel Constant<strong>in</strong> Chirilovici — mis tak enly con -sid ered conscientious and well-dis posed by many Jews —expressed hissat is fac tion to the gov ern ment with what the army had done on June 29,but expressed his re gret that lit tle had been achieved dur <strong>in</strong>g the po grom.111

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