Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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approx. 1,000 people, men, women and children, and did not allow themto br<strong>in</strong>g more with them than what they could carry on their backs. /..../Among the people collected there were a number of Polish citizens whoheld Chilean passport. Also 66 <strong>in</strong>-patients from the lunatic asylum wereforced to leave, along with the hospital staff, although the latter hadresidence permits signed by the Governor himself. /..../Di rectly after the de por ta tion, the homes of Jews re ma<strong>in</strong>ed empty. Signsprepared <strong>in</strong> ad vance were stuck onto the doors which said that the goods<strong>in</strong> side had be came the property of Town Hall. Later they were dividedamong those <strong>Romania</strong>ns who laid claim to them; they were given to thosehy e nas from all so cial and <strong>in</strong> tel lec tual strata, who flooded the town <strong>in</strong> thehope of gett<strong>in</strong>g rich. The fur ni ture re ma<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> their hands for a year,when un der for mal sales contracts it be came their property for ever.June 14, 1942The second transportation of Jews was collected and sent to Transnistria <strong>in</strong>the same barbaric manner as the first, with loot<strong>in</strong>g and torture. Thoseliv<strong>in</strong>g at the old people’s home (with people over the age of 80), as well ashospital patients wear<strong>in</strong>g only hospital gowns were taken out of their bedswere also <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> this transportation. The doctor on duty protestedaga<strong>in</strong>st the tak<strong>in</strong>g of patients1 and was subsequently arrested.June 14, 1942Under the order of the Governor of Bucov<strong>in</strong>a , 450 Jews are deported fromDorohoi. Most are men, breadw<strong>in</strong>ners, who had been <strong>in</strong> labor service <strong>in</strong>November 1941, when the first deportation separated them from theirwives and children. When they returned from labor service, they foundtheir flats sealed, their families taken away and their property confiscated.They did not even receive permission to rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the town. If some ofthem still managed to sneak <strong>in</strong>to the city, patrols surrounded the streets,collected them and took them directly to the railway station.202

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