Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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forged to assist the f<strong>in</strong>al aim: Iron Guard control of state adm<strong>in</strong>istrationand regulatory forces.Naturally, power seized by Iron Guard members was at the expense of theJews. The fight was very easy, and the rewards for both the Iron Guard and<strong>in</strong>dividuals were well worth the trouble. It seems that the signal for theoutbreak of terror was given on November 1. Firstly, all k<strong>in</strong>ds of thugswere allowed to operate freely, at most, they had to take <strong>in</strong>to account local<strong>in</strong>itiatives and <strong>in</strong>structions. This was how Iron Guard leaders tested theresistance of Jews and the possible reactions of the Leader of the State. Theevents of the first eight days, though characterized by violence, at timesfatal, were nonetheless <strong>in</strong>coherent. In Turda a few Jews were tortured <strong>in</strong>order to acquire a long-envied distillery; <strong>in</strong> Caracal and Corabia a fewshops were looted and the victims evicted; <strong>in</strong> Gaesti an attempt was madeto violently acquire a few bus<strong>in</strong>esses; <strong>in</strong> Bucharest arrests became more andmore widespread, beat<strong>in</strong>gs grew <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly savage, etc. The first case ofmartyrdom occurred dur<strong>in</strong>g these days: a child <strong>in</strong> Bucharest was torturedto death at the central police station.The lead er ship of the Iron Guard saw that the vic tims were not show<strong>in</strong>gsigns of re sis tance, and the Leader of the State merely de liv ered a paternalslap on the wrist dur<strong>in</strong>g a cab<strong>in</strong>et meet <strong>in</strong>g; it was at this po<strong>in</strong>t that it wasde cided to commence with or ga nized ter ror. An historical date was chosenfor this purpose, one which held a long tra di tion for the Ro ma nian po lice.The an ni ver sary of the Rus sian Rev o lu tion had al ways provided an oc ca -sion for Jew-bait <strong>in</strong>g. Around November 7 po lice and Iron Guard unitswent on patrol ran domly arrest<strong>in</strong>g Jews that crossed their path. In Bu cha -rest hun dreds of Jews were dragged off to po lice cells or Iron Guard cen -ters. The most horrify<strong>in</strong>g tor ture centers were at the Bu cha rest PoliceHead quar ters and the Iron Guard cen ters <strong>in</strong> Traian Street, Cercului Streetand Roma Street. With nei ther pretext nor reason they tor tured, tor -mented and mugged the <strong>in</strong> car cer ated Jews, later re leas <strong>in</strong>g them to makeroom for new ones.The catastrophic earthquake that struck the country the follow<strong>in</strong>g nightwas not <strong>in</strong> the least perceived as a sign from heaven by those who haddecorated their barbarity with mysticism and sanctimoniousness; on thecontrary, it offered a fresh opportunity for persecution and terrorization.In Panciu , close to the epicenter of the quake, Jews were evicted from the69

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