Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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on the first day of the occupation of the town (July 7) almost every Jew wasmurdered (approx. 2,000 people). Massacres still cont<strong>in</strong>ued <strong>in</strong> the townfor three more days.On July 17, <strong>in</strong> Kish<strong>in</strong>ev, alongside the two roads on which the <strong>Romania</strong>narmy forced its way <strong>in</strong>to the town, more than 10,000 Jews were killed.On July 11, <strong>in</strong> Balti , which had been occupied on June 9,10 Jewishhostages were shot dead by the Gestapo; on July 15 another 56, along withall the elders of the religious community; on July 16, 20 more hostageswere murdered.8 The pro test was dated July 14, 1941, and signed by the Gen eralChief of Staff of the XI Ger man Army. It was for warded by Ru ma -nian Gen eral Head quar ters to the judge of the mil i tary tri bu nalun der or der 1665/B of July 19, 1941.The pro test, which <strong>in</strong> cluded the re ports of wit nesses and that ofthe Ger man mil i tary se cret po lice, also con ta<strong>in</strong>s the fol low <strong>in</strong>g:“The be hav ior of cer ta<strong>in</strong> rep re sen ta tives of the Ru ma nian army,which have been <strong>in</strong> di cated <strong>in</strong> the re port, will di m<strong>in</strong> ish the re spectof both the Ru ma nian and Ger man ar mies <strong>in</strong> the eyes of pub lichere and all over the world.”In spite of all this, the case was closed be cause upon ex am i na -tion (re port No.258 of the Balti Gen dar merie Le gion on Au gust14, 1941 sent to the Central Office of the Gen dar merie <strong>in</strong>Kish<strong>in</strong>ev), it was con cluded that no body was found guilty and no -body could be held re spon si ble. Re port No.223 of July 17,1941.9 The pro test was dated July 11, 1941, and signed by the Gen eralChief of Staff of the XI Ger man Army. Ru ma nian Gen eral Head -quar ters for warded it to the chief judge of the mil i tary tri bu nal un -der or der 1411/B on July 17, 1941. Copies of the of fi cial re port ofa meet <strong>in</strong>g of the Ger man mil i tary se cret po lice as well as state -ments taken at the scene were also <strong>in</strong> cluded with the pro test.10 Re port No.10952 of July 6, 1941 by the Gen dar merie Le gion ofPrahova to the Cen tral Su per <strong>in</strong> ten dency of the Gen dar merie23

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