Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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While the archives of the SSI re ma<strong>in</strong>ed un touched, files re fer r<strong>in</strong>g to thebloodbath <strong>in</strong> Iasi were im me di ately after Au gust 23, or per haps a littlelater, ei ther hid den or de stroyed. Only the files be long <strong>in</strong>g to the M<strong>in</strong> is tryof the In te rior and the Gendarmerie Gen eral In spec tor ate are at the dis -posal of history and jus tice. These files, how ever, con ta<strong>in</strong> only a few de tailsabout the course of events dur <strong>in</strong>g the po grom.There fore, the prep a ra tions for the po grom <strong>in</strong> Iasi can be re con structedonly on the basis of evidence and <strong>in</strong>dividual testimonies col lected by ju di -cial bod ies. How ever, these are also <strong>in</strong>complete, s<strong>in</strong>ce the tes ti mo nies ofGermans and de ceased <strong>Romania</strong>ns are miss <strong>in</strong>g. Also miss <strong>in</strong>g is the tes ti -mony of Gen eral von Schobert - who died <strong>in</strong> an avi a tion accident nearKiev; and the tes ti mo nies of Generals von Hauffe and Gerstenberg , whoheaded the German mil i tary mis sion <strong>in</strong> Ro ma nia; no evidence was givenby Gen eral von Salmuth , Commander of the XXX German Mil i taryCorps; nor by Gen eral von Roetig , Commander of the 198th Army Di vi -sion; nor by Col o nel Rodler , the Ro ma nian head of the Abwehr ; nor by hisright-hand man, Al ex an der von Stransky ; nor from Capta<strong>in</strong> Hoffman,com mander of the Ger man garrison <strong>in</strong> Iasi ; and ab sent above all oth ers isthe tes ti mony of Baron Manfred von Kill<strong>in</strong>ger , Ger man Am bas sa dor toBucharest. Similarly miss <strong>in</strong>g are the tes ti mo nies of certa<strong>in</strong> Ru ma nian per -son al i ties, the most important of whom are: Becescu-Georgescu , the Di -rector of the SSI—who died a few years ago; Ma jor Emil Tulbure ,rep re sen ta tive of the SSI <strong>in</strong> Iasi, who died of a heart at tack a few days af terthe po grom; his as sis tant, Ma jor Gheorghe Balotescu , who disappeared <strong>in</strong>Ger many af ter Au gust 23, 1944. From the tes ti mo nies and doc u ments atour disposal we can, nev er the less, pick out certa<strong>in</strong> elements which enableus to re con struct the pro logue to the po grom.From these it turns out that before the start of military op er a tions, uponthe or ders of Ion Antonescu and Gen eral Head quar ters, the so-called SSIMo bile De tach ment No.1 was formed with the ac knowl edged aim ofcombatt<strong>in</strong>g es pi o nage, sab o tage and terrorist actions, and with the secretaim of or ga niz <strong>in</strong>g anti-es pi o nage, anti-sab o tage and anti-terrorist ac tions.The de tach ment consisted of about 160 per sons se lected from among themost able, cou ra geous and re li able peo ple <strong>in</strong> the SSI. Among the mem bersof the de tach ment were: Eugen Cristescu , the all-pow er ful di rec tor; hisright hand man, Colonel Ion Lisievici , Head of the Information De part -87

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