Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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The Ger mans be gan to search the dis trict thor oughly. The sol -diers of the 13th Guards men Reg i ment, who were ac com mo -dated <strong>in</strong> the dis trict, and those of the 24th Ar til lery Reg i ment alsopar tic i pated <strong>in</strong> the op er a tion. They were led by a Lance-Ser geantof the 13th Guards men Reg i ment.On this oc ca sion, due to the pro voc a tive be hav ior of the Jews,the sol diers, and to a greater ex tent the Chris tian com mu nity whojo<strong>in</strong>ed them, at tacked the Jews and com mit ted cer ta<strong>in</strong> of fences.On the eve n<strong>in</strong>g of June 28, at approx. 20.30 hrs, I was <strong>in</strong> formedby the dis trict po lice of fices that all over town there was ran domgun fire from houses <strong>in</strong> hab ited by Jews.We were <strong>in</strong> formed of the same fact by the Ger man Head quar tersalso, while they were putt <strong>in</strong>g more pa trols <strong>in</strong>to ac tion <strong>in</strong> the town./... /The ag gres sors had <strong>in</strong> creased their fire power, and the pa trolsand units march <strong>in</strong>g through the town re turned fire. /.../At this time (3 o’clock) spe cial units con sist <strong>in</strong>g of Gen darmes,sol diers and po lice men were formed, which pro ceeded to sur -round the build <strong>in</strong>gs from which the shots were com <strong>in</strong>g. They alsochecked every per son found <strong>in</strong> the build <strong>in</strong>gs. /...../An at mo sphere of hos til ity aga<strong>in</strong>st Jews emerged, and as a con -se quence all the Jews were col lected from the build<strong>in</strong>gs fromwhere the shots came, and taken to the Cen tral Po lice Sta tion.Some Jews, who were ag gres sive and re sisted, were abused,and those who turned out to be guilty be yond doubt were shotdead.On the morn <strong>in</strong>g of June 29, at 09.00 hrs, there were approx.1,000 Jews <strong>in</strong> the yard of the Cen tral Po lice Sta tion. /.../The Ro ma nian cit i zens fully con v<strong>in</strong>ced that the com mu nist Jewswere shoot <strong>in</strong>g, at tacked the Cen tral Po lice Sta tion de nounc <strong>in</strong>gev ery Jew liv <strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a build <strong>in</strong>g from which shots were fired. /..../On June 29, at approx. 13.15 hrs, shots were fired at Germansol diers po si tioned around and <strong>in</strong> the yard of the Cen tral PoliceSta tion. They be came ter ri bly angry that com mu nists with theirshoot <strong>in</strong>g had wanted to help the Jews es cape. They, there fore,shot <strong>in</strong>to the Jews, kill <strong>in</strong>g a num ber of them. /.../135

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