Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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January 17: 1,104January 18: 1,293January 19: 1,010January 20: 926 were deported.January 21, 1942As all tra<strong>in</strong> trans por ta tion ceases, the de por ta tion of Jews is also stopped.The Gen darme In spec tor ate re ports that they can not ac com mo date theevac u ees; they are brought to the stables of kholhoz (co-op er a tive farms).The temperature is -20 Cel sius, [4 F. below zero] due to this, starvationand old age, many collapse and freeze along the roads. The dead bod ies arebur ied <strong>in</strong> anti-tank ditches.January 22, 1942The de por ta tion of Jews from ghettos <strong>in</strong> Odessa con t<strong>in</strong> ues, 1,807 Jews,mostly old peo ple, women and chil dren are sent to Berezovca . /.../ On -January 23: 1,396January 24: 2,000January 31, 1942The de por ta tion con t<strong>in</strong> ues, 1,200 Jews are taken away on -February 1: 2,256 . /.../The ex ter mi na tion of Jews from Golta county has ended, the 22,000 Jews<strong>in</strong> the camps of Dumanovca and Acmicetca are mas sa cred.March 9, 1942The Jews transported from Odessa to the re gion ofBerezovca-Mostovoi-Vasilievo , af ter hav <strong>in</strong>g been looted and tor tured, arehanded over to the Ger mans. When they ar rive there, their exterm<strong>in</strong>ationis started. /.../199

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