Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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which had begun to rage <strong>in</strong> the camps, threat ened to endanger the rest ofthe pop u la tion.8. The sei zure of de port ees’ property was at first tolerated and later le gal -ized.9. Bloody re tal i a tion was ordered and ex e cuted. Fol low <strong>in</strong>g an ex plo sion <strong>in</strong>Odessa, which was claimed to have been sab o tage, more than 20,000 <strong>in</strong> no -cent peo ple, the majority of whom were Jewish, were killed.10. La bor ser vice was legally <strong>in</strong> tro duced and ordered. In the course of threeyears more than 150,000 peo ple (men, women, children and the elderly)were forcibly dragged away for the purposes of com pul sory slave la bor.11. Oblig a tory fees and contributions of con sid er able amounts were le -gally im posed on im pov er ished Jews to squeeze even more money out ofthem.12. Almost the entire Jew ish pop u la tion was deprived of one of the ba sichuman rights: the right to work.13. Jew ish stu dents were barred from all the uni ver si ties <strong>in</strong> the coun try;driven out of ev ery state school and Christian pri vate school; and an at -tempt was made to abolish Jew ish schools altogether.14. The spirit and prac tice of Hitler’s laws were <strong>in</strong> tro duced <strong>in</strong>to Ro ma nianleg is la tion.15. The tra di tional el ders of Jewish religious communities were re movedand replaced by a po lice or ga ni za tion modeled on the German sys tem <strong>in</strong> -tro duced <strong>in</strong> oc cu pied Eu rope. Its aim was to cleanse Ro ma nia of Jews.16. The death pen alty was <strong>in</strong> tro duced for certa<strong>in</strong> crimes if they were com -1mitted by Jews; this applied to children as young as fif teen.17. For four years Jews lived <strong>in</strong> an at mo sphere of panic and ter ror, whichmen tally and physically eroded those who had man aged to sur vive theblood baths.48

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