Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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The Iron Guard GovernmentSeptember 6, 1940 - January 21, 1941Gen eral Ion Antonescu was pro moted from vir tual anonymity. On Sep -tem ber 5, 1940 he was sum moned be fore the Presidium of the Council ofM<strong>in</strong> is ters. On the fol low <strong>in</strong>g day he was be stowed with dic ta to rial pow ers,and entrusted with gov ern <strong>in</strong>g the coun try.Re ga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g con scious ness from the dreadful shock caused by the dizzy<strong>in</strong>gtra<strong>in</strong> of the events, Ro ma nian public op<strong>in</strong>ion was con fused and at a losswhen it came to receiv<strong>in</strong>g this un known saviour .Only very few had paid attention to his ephem eral and trace less roles <strong>in</strong>pre vi ous re ac tion ary gov ern ments. Even fewer were aware of his ac tiv i ties<strong>in</strong> se nior mil i tary <strong>in</strong>stitutions. He was said to be an en er getic soldier whodid not tol er ate op po si tion, but also <strong>in</strong> de ci sive and eas ily <strong>in</strong> flu enced; therewere whis pers that he was va<strong>in</strong>, haughty, and that he loved both praise andservile fawn <strong>in</strong>g; everybody knew that he was wicked, quick-tem pered andpre dis posed to vi o lence. Through out his entire ca reer he was taunted withthe name “Red Dog”. The coun try, un h<strong>in</strong>ged by the se quence of recenthap pen <strong>in</strong>gs, dazed by the po lit i cal chaos, and hypnotized by the clever ma -nip u la tion of the general at mo sphere, re ceived him with doubt tem peredwith tra di tional <strong>in</strong> dif fer ence and skep ti cism. A cer ta<strong>in</strong> sec tion of the pop u -la tion sensed the unavoidable men ace from the very out set. Hannibal hadnoisily and vi o lently an nounced his arrival at the doors of Is rael’s tents.The omens of the ensu<strong>in</strong>g storm had ap peared two months before. Thepogrom <strong>in</strong> Dorohoi and the spread of its lesser ef fects to the towns and vil -lages of South Bucov<strong>in</strong>a ; the murder of Jews thrown out of mov<strong>in</strong>g tra<strong>in</strong>s;the <strong>in</strong>citement to ha tred and mur der by the press; <strong>in</strong> the way state leg is la -tors Horia Sima and Radu Budisteanu were gnash <strong>in</strong>g their teeth, and fi -nally <strong>in</strong> the shame ful anti-Semitic directives is sued by I. V. Gruia , M<strong>in</strong> is terof Jus tice, along with his vile rea son <strong>in</strong>g. Col lec tively these facts rep re sentedthe tor nado that had en trapped the tor mented Jews, and forced them tono tice the thick black clouds tower<strong>in</strong>g over their heads; clouds which wereto cover that sky for four years.53

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