Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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From among the starv<strong>in</strong>g, exhausted Jewish march<strong>in</strong>g columns, whichwandered hither and thither under the command of the NorthernBessarabian authorities, many thousands were shot dead or drowned. Inone such march<strong>in</strong>g column, consist<strong>in</strong>g of 25,000, which had been takenacross the Dnyester to the Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, and then back to Bessarabia, 4,000died <strong>in</strong> three weeks.A group consist<strong>in</strong>g of 300 Jews, escorted by a sergeant and two gendarmesfrom Volc<strong>in</strong>et , was either shot <strong>in</strong>to the water of the Dnyester , or drownedwhile cross<strong>in</strong>g the river. 14In the concentration camps of Bessarabia, where Jews were rounded upbefore deportation ( Secureni , Ed<strong>in</strong>eti , Vertujeni , Marculesti ), severalhundred died daily. 15Along the roads where deportees were escorted, several thousands died ofexhaustion, illness, hunger and the cold weather. (September 1941 was thetime of the camps <strong>in</strong> Bessarabia, October and November for those <strong>in</strong>Bucov<strong>in</strong>a , Dorohoi county and the ghetto of Kish<strong>in</strong>ev). In one of themarch<strong>in</strong>g columns, which had started from Ed<strong>in</strong>eti on the night ofOctober 15 <strong>in</strong> a village called Corbu , 860 Jews froze to death, among themthere were many women hold<strong>in</strong>g their children <strong>in</strong> their arms.12 The re port by tele phone of the Cen tral Of fice of the Gen dar merie<strong>in</strong> Kish<strong>in</strong>ev (Col o nel T. Meculescu ) dated Au gust 13, 1941 to theHigh est Mil i tary Tri bu nal.13 Ibid., and also the of fi cial re port com piled by SS Untersturm- fuh -rer He<strong>in</strong> rich Frolich and Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Vetu Gheorghe loan of the Gen -dar merie Le gion of Chilia-Noua on Au gust 9, 1941, which<strong>in</strong> di cates that the for mer for warded the or der for ex e cu tion to thelat ter on be half of Gen eral Antonescu , and the lat ter ex e cuted theor der. Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Vetu was later found guilty by the Court of Jus tice,not, how ever, be cause he had killed so many <strong>in</strong> no cent peo ple,but for com mit t<strong>in</strong>g petty crimes while car ry <strong>in</strong>g out his duties: hestole watches and r<strong>in</strong>gs.25

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