Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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2. The doc u ments found on the bod ies, and the cir cum ci sionchar ac ter is tic of Jews, prove that the bod ies were of Jew ish or i -g<strong>in</strong>.3. In the course of the ju di cial med i cal ex am i na tion, we foundthat on most bodies, the mul ti ple <strong>in</strong> ju ries caused by bul lets are <strong>in</strong>the mid part of the bod ies (the breast and the ab do men), and lessfre quently <strong>in</strong> the head.4. In the case of some bod ies, frac ture of the skull can also beob served <strong>in</strong> ad di tion to <strong>in</strong> ju ries caused by bul lets. No <strong>in</strong> jury what -so ever was found <strong>in</strong> the bone struc ture of a young child (2-4 yrs)af ter his skel e ton was com pletely re as sem bled.5. In mass grave No. I, which we dug out on the ba sis of wit -nesses’ re ports, the num ber of mid dle-aged men is higher; <strong>in</strong>grave No.II mostly the corpses of women and old peo ple werefound; there was a great num ber of chil dren, women and old peo -ple <strong>in</strong> grave No.III; and only the corpses of six mid dle-aged men.6. The cloth <strong>in</strong>g on the corpses is gen er ally scanty. Many womenwere wear <strong>in</strong>g night dresses or gowns, the men and chil dren arebare foot.Ju di cial Med i cal Ex am <strong>in</strong>er of Iasi:Dr. V. Hurghisiu m.p.Com mander of The Of fice of the Gen dar merie <strong>in</strong> Hubolca :Ser geant-Ma jor Petru Ghimes m.p.Rep re sen ta tives of the Jew ish Re li gious Com mu nity of Iasi:Josef Froimovici m.p.Aron Aronovici m.p.Aron Froimovici m.p.Da vid Leizer m.p.losef Michel m.p.***132

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