Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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4. The Ro ma nian pub lic ac cepted fas cist ideas only spo rad i callyand tem po rarily, and the meth ods of fas cism even less so.In greater detail:1. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to their status, the sovereign states which accepted, orwere forced to accept the “new European order”, can be placed <strong>in</strong> twodifferent categories:a) Militarily occupied states; among them, France, Belgium, Holland,Norway, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Poland,Belorussia, the Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, and later Italy (from September 1943), andHungary (from March 19, 1944).b) States under Ger man po lit i cal <strong>in</strong> flu ence: Ro ma nia, F<strong>in</strong>land and Bul -garia (Den mark was some where be tween these two categories).In the states listed <strong>in</strong> the first category, national-socialism was able to<strong>in</strong>troduce measures directly, which were carried out by its owncollaborat<strong>in</strong>g authorities, or by national bodies under the control of, orf<strong>in</strong>anced by the Gestapo. No agreement whatsoever was required for theexecution of deportation and exterm<strong>in</strong>ation campaigns, such measurescould not be met with any resistence. The pogrom was carried out withoutdelay, postponement or hesitation, and without mercy. Thanks to brave<strong>in</strong>dividual efforts, widely and benevolently supported by nationalresistance campaigns, there were some exceptions. In Italy and Hungarythe persecution of Jews took on more restra<strong>in</strong>ed and milder forms at first,and turned <strong>in</strong>to mass executions only follow<strong>in</strong>g actual German militaryoccupation.Ro ma nia and Bulgaria were almost vas sals under Ger man po lit i cal <strong>in</strong> flu -ence. However, they re ta<strong>in</strong>ed a certa<strong>in</strong> ve neer of sov er eignty, and were ableto show resistence <strong>in</strong> eco nomic and ra cial policy spheres. At times theywere even granted concessions <strong>in</strong> matters of ra cial policy <strong>in</strong> return for eco -nomic con ces sions. Con se quently, the per se cu tion and ex ter mi na tion ofJews <strong>in</strong> Ro ma nia was re stricted to Ro ma nian <strong>in</strong>i tia tives, with the Ger mans<strong>in</strong> ter ven <strong>in</strong>g only oc ca sion ally. That these reached extreme proportions andled to mourn ful results is due, on the one hand, to two decades of the psy -cho log i cal prep a ra tion of a sick generation, sup ported <strong>in</strong> its wan der <strong>in</strong>gs by152

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