Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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Com mander of the 6th Moun ta<strong>in</strong> Ri fle Reg i ment:Col o nel Maties Ermil m.p.***14.From the tes ti mony of Col o nel Mihai Isacescu , <strong>in</strong> ter ro gated byGen eral Emanoil Ionescu , spe cially ap po<strong>in</strong>ted ex am <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>g judge,on June 18, 1947.At the time of the Bessarabian mil i tary ex pe di tion I was the com -mander of the re con nais sance squad ron of the 6th Ri fle Reg i -ment, as its cap ta<strong>in</strong>. (...) When we cap tured the Sculeni-Rusibridge-head, I heard that <strong>in</strong> Stanca Rosnoveanu , Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Stihi,Sub-Lieu ten ant Mihailescu and pri vate Ion Epure had killed theJews who had es caped from Sculeni-Rusi, and that pri vate Epurehad mu ti lated them prior to ex e cu tion. /..../I was <strong>in</strong> formed by word of mouth by fel low-sol diers, Cap ta<strong>in</strong>Ioachim and oth ers, that the above-men tioned peo ple had donethis pri mar ily to rob the Jews of the gold they had on them. Thespoils were prob a bly shared with Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Stihi and Col o nelMaties . In ref er ence to this, a con ver sa tion about a watch be -tween Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Stihi’s wife and Col o nel Maties co mes to m<strong>in</strong>d. /.../It is not true that <strong>in</strong> Marculesti the cit i zens first put up the whiteflag and then at tacked Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Otel’s squad ron by jo<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>g theRus sian troops. The truth is that a Rus sian unit, approx. the sizeof a squad ron, at tacked Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Otel’s squad ron from the sidecaus <strong>in</strong>g the sol diers to re treat, then the Rus sians with drew andtook with them Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Otel, who was wounded <strong>in</strong> the leg. Astory was sub se quently con cocted to cover up the stu pid ity of asquad ron be <strong>in</strong>g dis patched, with nei ther backup nor re con nais -sance units, to wards the North-East ern Heights of Floresti on theVesdova-Alexen l<strong>in</strong>e, where they would have had to con structbat tle trenches be fore the ar rival of the reg i ment.Gen eral Ionescu Emanoil m.pCol o nel M. Isacescu ,spe cially ap po<strong>in</strong>ted ex am <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>g judge m.p.***128

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