Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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The Cap ta<strong>in</strong> of the Met ro pol i tan Po lice, Gen eral Dona, was re placed by amem ber of the Iron Guard Senate, Col o nel Stefan Zavoianu , whose crim i -nal dis po si tion could be used to extend the acts of ter ror (he appeared <strong>in</strong> agreen shirt at the Iron Guard cel e bra tion); Zavoianu also announced thelaw con cern <strong>in</strong>g the appo<strong>in</strong>tment of the officer <strong>in</strong> charge of<strong>Romania</strong>nization and the ex pro pri a tion of rural Jew ish property.The simultaneous appearance of these two laws signal<strong>in</strong>g the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g ofrobberies and loot<strong>in</strong>g, is characteristic and significant.The law of October 14, which organized the ghettoization of schools, was<strong>in</strong>troduced soon after the announcement of these basic laws. /.../Two very important laws succeeded each other: one affect<strong>in</strong>g doctors onNovember 15, and the other affect<strong>in</strong>g company employees on November16.Every set of sta tis tics <strong>in</strong>dicates, and all avenues of re search agree on the factthat one of the ba sic problems <strong>in</strong> Ro ma nian so ci ety was the lack of phy si -cians, and the con se quences of this were cat a strophic for the Ro ma nian na -tion. The wor ry <strong>in</strong>g spread of the so-called national dis eases, and the <strong>in</strong> fantmor tal ity rate which was much higher than the average fig ures <strong>in</strong> other na -tions—these two facts were el o quently po<strong>in</strong>ted out with an enor mousamount evidence by all those who dealt with the ba sic issue of the health ofthe Ro ma nian nation. The so lu tion recommended was always thesame—ir re spec tive of how much the po lit i cal and so cial views of the re -search ers varied—that the num ber of town and vil lage doc tors had to be<strong>in</strong> creased, and more em pha sis should be placed on health care.In spite of this, there was a government, the Iron Guard government,which not only did noth<strong>in</strong>g towards provid<strong>in</strong>g a remedy for the muchwarned endemic, but with a simple directive—aimed at satisfy<strong>in</strong>g thesavage impulses of certa<strong>in</strong> members—expelled a great number of doctorsfrom the Board of Physicians, thus catastrophically dim<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g theorig<strong>in</strong>ally small number entrusted with car<strong>in</strong>g for the health of a nation.With the law of November 15, 1940, under the threat of severe penalties,Jewish doctors were prohibited from treat<strong>in</strong>g non-Jewish patients. In orderto avoid misunderstand<strong>in</strong>gs, Jewish doctors were forced to clearly <strong>in</strong>dicate61

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