Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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suf fo ca tion—some times these were even sealed—they were wan der <strong>in</strong>gabout for days <strong>in</strong> the end-of-July heat without be<strong>in</strong>g able to get food, getout to relieve na ture or look af ter patients.Af ter the evac u a tion of Jews, the au thor i ties and lo cal <strong>in</strong> hab it ants com -pletely robbed the ownerless houses, they took ev ery th<strong>in</strong>g: goods, fur ni -ture, house hold equip ment. They car ried away the wealth of one or moregen er a tions un til the last chair or pillow, <strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> places even the doorsand w<strong>in</strong>dows, and the t<strong>in</strong> from the roofs. Not even cem e ter ies were safefrom the an gry loot <strong>in</strong>g or de mo li tion.In ter ri to ries which were later af fected by deportations (SouthernBucov<strong>in</strong>a and Dorohoi county) Jews were evacuated from the follow<strong>in</strong>gplaces:From the county town of Dorohoi almost every Jew ish men be tween theages of 18 and 60, as well as the lead ers of the community were <strong>in</strong> terned tocamps of Targu-Jiu and Craiova .From Darabani ( Dorohoi county) the entire Jew ish com mu nity, old peo -ple, women, children, even the disabled (about 2,000 peo ple) were <strong>in</strong> -terned to camps of Oltenia (men to Targu-Jiu , women to Calafat ).From Siveni , Mihuleni, Ridiuti ( Dorohoi county) the entire Jew ish com -mu nity (about 4,000 peo ple) were evacuated; some men to the camp ofTirgu-Jiu , the other men, women and chil dren to Dorohoi .June 30, 1941The M<strong>in</strong> is try of In te rior or ders to acquire Jewish hostages from each town<strong>in</strong> Moldova and Bucov<strong>in</strong>a . They are to be shot dead <strong>in</strong> case of re bel lion orter ror ist acts. He also or ders the <strong>in</strong> tern ment of Jew ish men from Jew ishdis tricts, mostly to schools or bigger build <strong>in</strong>gs; guards are ordered next tothem to pun ish them if they attempt to cause dis tur bances.There was a cur few for Jews between 20.00 and 7.00 hours. /.../179

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