Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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ter. As a mat ter of fact, they were found there the fol low <strong>in</strong>g day by ColonelConstant<strong>in</strong> Lupu , the garrison commander who—al though he had ar rivedthere as a result of a very se ri ous compla<strong>in</strong>t to the po lice—suc cumbed toor ders com <strong>in</strong>g from above, and would not <strong>in</strong> any way h<strong>in</strong> der them <strong>in</strong> thecourse of events to come.They were also <strong>in</strong> a position to <strong>in</strong> form Lieu ten ant-Col o nel Micandru thatIron Guard mem ber Mircea Manoliu , who had been called up as a reservelance-ser geant <strong>in</strong> the zone of the 13th Dorobanti Reg i ment, was given thetask of car ry <strong>in</strong>g out blatant acts of terrorism <strong>in</strong> or der to ex per i ment on there ac tions of the au thor i ties who had not been <strong>in</strong> formed of the prep a ra tions<strong>in</strong> ad vance. On the same night, Manoliu fired at three Jews kill <strong>in</strong>g onlyone; the fol low <strong>in</strong>g night he killed an other six, and on Sat ur day morn <strong>in</strong>g he<strong>in</strong> cited the Abattoir quar ter to robbery, and the mob on the outskirts toatroc i ties.The or ga niz ers of the po grom had no fur ther rea sons for <strong>in</strong> de ci sion. Bythis stage, they could be sure of success, and only the fi nal or ders re ma<strong>in</strong>edto be given.The Iron Guard mercenaries were deployed to occupy var i ous po si tions <strong>in</strong>every quar ter of the town. They were well-equipped with low caliber weap -ons, de fense guns 1 , and blank bul lets, which were only meant to makenoise. Many of them, how ever, pos sessed lethal weapons, and fired themwithout pity at the un for tu nates who were try <strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> va<strong>in</strong> to hide.The Teutonic bri gades were also alerted, and they too set off, with some ofthem provok<strong>in</strong>g, and oth ers kill <strong>in</strong>g. Their pa trols were ready to break <strong>in</strong>topre vi ously marked Jewish houses while giv<strong>in</strong>g the im pres sion of be <strong>in</strong>g at -tacked. The crosses pa<strong>in</strong>ted on houses and fences did not really <strong>in</strong>terestthem, be cause they knew that <strong>in</strong> this poi soned town they had the loot -<strong>in</strong>g-hun gry mob at their dis posal, and that the mob would po<strong>in</strong>t out thehouses to be at tacked.1 .22 caliber ri fle used <strong>in</strong> pre-mil i tary tra<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>g.89

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