Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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July 8, 1941Col o nel Meculescu , Com mander of the Gendarmerie In spec tor ate <strong>in</strong>Kish<strong>in</strong>ev, or ders—among other th<strong>in</strong>gs—the iden ti fi ca tion and ar rest ev -ery Jew <strong>in</strong> the vil lages of Bessarabia, ir re spec tive of their sex and age.July 10, 1941The Jewish march <strong>in</strong>g column of Banila ar rives to Storoj<strong>in</strong>et . Their num -ber is swol len up by Jews from the vil lages they passed through ( Iadova ,Berhomet , Panca , Cires ). In Storoj<strong>in</strong>et a camp is cre ated <strong>in</strong> the syn a gogue,where 2,500 peo ple are crowded. The guards tor ture their victims all thetime, es pe cially Lieu ten ant-Col o nel Alexandrescu , Commander of theDraft (Re cruit<strong>in</strong>g) Centre, who beats Jews with his own hands, and rousesthe cit i zens for loot <strong>in</strong>g and murder. He also forces peo ple to work hard, al -though they have noth <strong>in</strong>g else to eat but grass be cause he for bids them toleave the camp to get some food. /.../July 18, 1941The High est Mil i tary Judge of the army goes for a supervis<strong>in</strong>g tour <strong>in</strong> Balticounty. In this county, where 31,965 Jews had been <strong>in</strong> di cated by the lat estna tional census, and where their num ber must have been <strong>in</strong> creased by nat -u ral pop u la tion growth and the mi gra tions of 1940, at the time of the con -trol, there are not more than 3,481 Jews <strong>in</strong> three camps. Sup pos edly, thereare 5,000 more of them <strong>in</strong> the county.July 20, 1941The Jews from Storoj<strong>in</strong>et , who had been locked <strong>in</strong>to the school and the or -phan age, are collected <strong>in</strong>to a ghetto con sist <strong>in</strong>g of two streets. The housesthere had been com pletely robbed. Strict mea sures are <strong>in</strong> tro duced <strong>in</strong> theghetto. Jews are obliged to wear a yel low star and there is a cur few at 1900hours. They can provide them selves with food only after 10.00 hours. /.../181

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