Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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tions, I am sure that the most hor ri ble po groms would have takenplace.Al though I had de cided to de port all the Jews from Bessarabiaand Bucov<strong>in</strong>a , var i ous <strong>in</strong> ter ven tions and <strong>in</strong> ter ces sions pre ventedme from do <strong>in</strong>g so. To day, I re gret that not hav <strong>in</strong>g done so as thema<strong>in</strong> en emy of the coun try lies among the Jews who have re -ma<strong>in</strong>ed here. There is not one ter ror ist or com mu nist or ga ni za tionwhich has been un cov ered by the po lice, <strong>in</strong> which Jews or fre -quently ex clu sively Jews could not be found. The trag edy of theJew ish race is that it is un grate ful to the country it lives <strong>in</strong>, whilemak <strong>in</strong>g a profit out of it. This is why I once aga<strong>in</strong> draw at ten tion tothe fact that if the Jews con t<strong>in</strong>ue to un der m<strong>in</strong>e this ex tremely tol -er ant state, then they will have to reckon with much more se ri ouscon se quences than have had to un til now, be cause the state cannot leave un pun ished those who ac tively, and with s<strong>in</strong> ful con sis -tence, play a part <strong>in</strong> br<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>g about its de mise /..../AntonescuMar shal of Ro ma nia,Leader of the Ro ma nian State235

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