Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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March, 1943In Oc to ber 1943, Wilhelm Fischer, the Ro ma nian representative of theWorld Jewish Fed er a tion, man ages to con tact foreign—mostlySwiss—lead <strong>in</strong>g Jew ish cir cles (Dr. A. Silberste<strong>in</strong> from Geneva, rep re sen ta -tive of the World Jew ish Fed er a tion, and Saly Mayer from Sa<strong>in</strong>t Gallen,Eu ro pean rep re sen ta tive of the Amer i can Jo<strong>in</strong>t Distribution Com mit tee).They provide him with a fi nan cial base, which at the moment, can not beraised <strong>in</strong> the country. Wil helm Fischer receives loans from a few gen er ousmen on con di tion that they will not be re paid un til the war has ended. Inthis way he man ages to col lect 28 million lei (at that time 70,000 dol lars),half of this was sent to Transnistria with spe cial rep re sen ta tives as aid forthe Jews there. /.../May 10, 1943Six hundred people (men, women, young girls) are transferred across theBug from the camp <strong>in</strong> Peciora . /.../May 26, 1943The Leader of the State orders the deportation to Transnistria of Dr. W.Filderman , ex-President of the Union of Jewish Religious Communities,because he handed <strong>in</strong> a report to the President of the Central JewishOffice, <strong>in</strong> which he expressed his op<strong>in</strong>ion that the Jewish populationwould be unable to pay the most recent 4 million lei special contributionlevied on them. /.../May 30, 1943In Mostovoi there are mass-executions throughout the entire month ofMay. The victims are selected under the pretext that they have been chosenfor work. They are executed <strong>in</strong> various places near Mostovoi , mostly <strong>in</strong>Vasil<strong>in</strong>ovo . Before be<strong>in</strong>g executed they are tortured terribly. Several areviciously murdered. The mayor of the ghetto, who had come fromChernovitz , was cut <strong>in</strong>to pieces, because he had not provided young girlsto perform sexual acts. An eng<strong>in</strong>eer from Chernovitz , who protected his219

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