Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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ship of Bucov<strong>in</strong>a ) trans ported the Jews there, the lower Ro ma nian bod ies(county head of fices, po lice head quar ters, Gendarmerie Le gions) handedthem over, with out any ob jec tion, at the request of the Germans, who <strong>in</strong>turn ex ter mi nated all of them <strong>in</strong> the frame work of cam paigns—last <strong>in</strong>g un -til the spr<strong>in</strong>g of 1944—or ga nized ac cord <strong>in</strong>g to na tional-so cial ist meth od -ology.There was one other part of Transnistria where Ger man supremacy wasable to pre vail un h<strong>in</strong> dered as a re sult of the same <strong>in</strong>feriority complex: thiswas Berezovca county <strong>in</strong> the prov <strong>in</strong>ce of Mostovoi- Vasilonovo-Rastadt ,where an important General Command of an SS unit was op er at <strong>in</strong>g. The<strong>Romania</strong>n au thor i ties con sid ered this place to be the most ap pro pri ate forthe sur vi vors of Odessa and the de port ees from the Old K<strong>in</strong>gdom (his tor i -cal <strong>Romania</strong>) and Transylvania. It can not be sup posed on this occasion ei -ther that there existed an ear lier Ro ma nian-Ger man agree ment. How ever,events oc curred with<strong>in</strong> the same crim<strong>in</strong>al frame work. On Jan u ary 7, theGov er nor of Transnistria ordered the <strong>in</strong>ternment of Jews fromOdessa—approx. 20,000 people—to the ghetto <strong>in</strong> Slobodtka . Later, <strong>in</strong>Jan u ary and Feb ru ary, the Ro ma nian Gendarmerie evac u ated them to theprov <strong>in</strong>ce of Mostovoi. Start<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> March, the SS troops con t<strong>in</strong> u ously tookthem over and ex e cuted them <strong>in</strong> groups of a few hun dred <strong>in</strong> the frame workof ac tions last <strong>in</strong>g un til au tumn.Similarily , the Ro ma nian Leader of the State, Ion Antonescu , at the end ofJuly 1942 ordered the de por ta tion of a group of Jews con sist <strong>in</strong>g of a fewhun dred from the Old K<strong>in</strong>g dom and Transylvania to Transnistria ; all ofthose who had asked for an en try visa from the Soviet Em bassy <strong>in</strong> 1940. Inearly Sep tem ber the M<strong>in</strong> is try of the In te rior sent them to the prov <strong>in</strong>ce ofMostovoi , where they were im me di ately re quested, re ceived and ex e cutedby SS troops.Events took a totally dif fer ent turn dur <strong>in</strong>g the sec ond Ger man attempt <strong>in</strong>the au tumn of 1942, which was aimed at the ap pli ca tion of the na -tional-so cial ist plan <strong>in</strong> Ro ma nia. The Hitlerites had taken for granted theex ter mi na tion of all Jews under the au thor ity of the Ro ma nian gov ern -ment.Nazi pres sure, which had its effect on offices be h<strong>in</strong>d pad ded doors, andlater man i fested itself ar ro gantly and cyn i cally <strong>in</strong> the for eign and German150

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