Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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Antonescu a few days be fore the po grom. I sus pect that, on thatoc ca sion, they dis cussed and ar ranged the po grom.Part of the hid den agenda of this Mo bile De tach ment was to ei -ther evac u ate or de port the Jews from Moldavia, and for this pur -pose Flo r<strong>in</strong> Becescu-Georgescu , Di rec tor of the SSI, took thefiles of Jews and com mu nists with him when he left for Bu cha -rest.The de tach ment trav eled from Iasi to Kish<strong>in</strong>ev, where they or ga -nized an other blood bath; <strong>in</strong> Kish<strong>in</strong>ev the same SSI units op er -ated. I also know that one mem ber of the Ser vice was caughtrob b<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Kish<strong>in</strong>ev, and sub se quently re lieved of his post.The de tach ment looted <strong>in</strong> Tigh<strong>in</strong>a and Tiraspol, and was <strong>in</strong> volved<strong>in</strong> the mas sa cre <strong>in</strong> Odessa. From Tigh<strong>in</strong>a on wards the de tach -ment was led by Col o nel Ion Lisievici, with Lieu ten ant-Col o nelVasile Palius as his dep uty.A part of the de tach ment, un der the lead er ship of Ma jor Olteanu ,who was later suc ceeded by Ma jor Tomescu Niculai, was ac com -mo dated <strong>in</strong> Cetatea Alba, where they looted the homes of Jew ishcit i zens.The other parts of the de tach ment, headed by Col o nel Lisieviciop er ated <strong>in</strong> Transnistria , the Ukra<strong>in</strong>e and <strong>in</strong> the Krim Pen <strong>in</strong> sula,and reached as far as Rostow ; among them were Lieu ten ant-Col -o nel Vasile Palius , Di rec tor Trohani Nicolae, un der the pseud -onym Ma jor Carlan , Lieu ten ant-Col o nel Ernescu Grigore , Cap ta<strong>in</strong>Rusu Vic tor, Cap ta<strong>in</strong> Velicu Dudu , Lieu ten ant Mosoarca (re serveof fi cer), Lieu ten ant Flo r<strong>in</strong> Begnescu , Racu , Dep uty Di rec tor andmany more.The file of the Odessa cases was given to me per son ally byGrigore Petrovici, and that of the mas sa cre <strong>in</strong> Kish<strong>in</strong>ev byGheorghe Cristescu-Gica . /.../Pub lic Pros e cu torLieu ten ant-Col o nelD. Saracu m.p. Trajan Borcescu m.p.***119

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