Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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17.Iasi Central Po lice Sta tion Reg is tered onJuly 2Ref. No.99, June 30,1941 un der No.23857; file No.569/941.To the In spec tor ates of the Po lice and Siguranta /..../On 28th at 22.00 hrs, our or ga ni za tions <strong>in</strong> formed us that <strong>in</strong> cer -ta<strong>in</strong> dis tricts au to matic weapon fire was com <strong>in</strong>g from ev eryhouse. /.../All the sol diers march <strong>in</strong>g through these dis tricts and ev ery Gen -darme pa trol which had been dis patched dur <strong>in</strong>g the day to ev erydis trict of the town, as well as a num ber of off-duty po lice of fi cers,started to search the houses from which, ac cord <strong>in</strong>g to them,shots had been fired. Every Jew was taken away; most werefound <strong>in</strong> the air-raid shel ters.On this oc ca sion many of them were shot dead, and many wererobbed. /.../The chaos grew greater ev ery sec ond, and s<strong>in</strong>ce the shoot <strong>in</strong>gshad taken place <strong>in</strong> the vi c<strong>in</strong> ity of sev eral im por tant <strong>in</strong> sti tu tions,there were sus pi cions that some one wanted to oc cupy them;there fore we strength ened the guards around the cen tral tele -phone ex change, the Cen tral Po lice Sta tion and the rail way Sta -tion: <strong>in</strong> spite of these mea sures, we were un able to cap ture anyof the marks men.I must add that there were no fa tal i ties, and only one po lice menwas slightly hurt.When the sun came up, a Ro ma nian army corps, which had beenmarch <strong>in</strong>g along Las car Catargiu Street, came un der fire, as didan other march <strong>in</strong>g along Carol Street. /... /There can be no doubt that an anti-Se mitic at mo sphere quicklyes tab lished it self. This led to Jews be <strong>in</strong>g pulled out of air-raidshel ters, houses and shops. They were taken with out pre text tothe Cen tral Po lice Sta tion. On 29th at 09.00 hrs there were al -ready 1,800 per sons there, women, chil dren and men of all ages.The hos tile at mo sphere fu eled abuse and loot <strong>in</strong>g, es pe ciallywhen Ger man sol diers killed a woman <strong>in</strong> broad daylight <strong>in</strong> a pub -133

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