Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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Murders <strong>in</strong> Odessa and <strong>in</strong> theCounties of Berezovca and GoltaThe Chronological Order of EventsOctober 16, 1941 - December 1942October 16, 1941<strong>Romania</strong>n and German troops oc cupy Odessa, from where the Red Armyhad with drawn a few days before. Al though the oc cu pi ers do not meet withany resistance, they murder a great number of cit i zens, mostly Jews.October 22, 1941A time bomb ex plodes <strong>in</strong> the build <strong>in</strong>g of the Ro ma nian Head quar ters. Theex plo sion kills 16 of fi cers, 35 sol diers, 9 non-com mis sioned officers, ci vil -ian em ploy ees and Com mander Gl. Glogojeanu himself. Three hourslater, Gl. C. Trestioreanu , Com mander of the 13th In fan try Regiment,who automatically stepped <strong>in</strong>to the place of the Commander of Town, re -ports the fol low <strong>in</strong>g to the 4th Army: “I have taken measures for the Jewsand communists to be hanged <strong>in</strong> the public places of Odessa ”.October 23, 1941The so-called re venge ac tions have started. By morn <strong>in</strong>g there are gal lowsstand <strong>in</strong>g everywhere, with victims hang<strong>in</strong>g on them. Peo ple are shot deadran domly <strong>in</strong> every part of the city. At noon, the ex e cu tions stop; so farapprox. 5,000 peo ple have been killed, most of them are Jews.October 23, 1941Ion Antonescu or ders the ex e cu tion of 200 com mu nists for each mur dered<strong>Romania</strong>n or Ger man of fi cer, and 100 for ord<strong>in</strong>ary sol diers. He also or dersthe tak <strong>in</strong>g of com mu nist and Jewish hostages...195

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