Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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were taken to the Ro ma nian Head quar ters <strong>in</strong> Vasile Lupu Street,from there we were es corted by armed guards to Di vi sion Head -quar ters <strong>in</strong> to Copou , and to the ex hi bi tion hall. I was es corted bythe same Lance-Ser geant who had come for me. When we ar -rived, we were handed over to two cap ta<strong>in</strong>s, who, upon re al iz <strong>in</strong>gour <strong>in</strong> no cence, told us that we were free to go and or dered thatwe be es corted home. We left for home with the same es cort, butthen the Lance-Ser geant told us to take a dif fer ent route, and di -rected us down a re mote road, the Sararie lane, and from thereto wards the ri fle range. S<strong>in</strong>ce I was barely able to walk, be causeof my <strong>in</strong> jury from the bom bard ment, I had to lean on CojocaruIosub . Sud denly, I heard a bul let whis tl<strong>in</strong>g past my head. Thatone only skimmed me, an other, how ever, went straight <strong>in</strong>to myleft hip. While col laps <strong>in</strong>g I saw that it was the Lance-Ser geantwho had shot me, and it was also him who or dered me not tolook back. I re ga<strong>in</strong>ed con scious ness at dawn June 27, 1941.1wanted to stand up, but I could not, and I saw that CojocaruIosub was ly <strong>in</strong>g dead <strong>in</strong> front of me about 10-12 metres away. Hehad been shot by the same Lance-Ser geant. While I was fall <strong>in</strong>gto the ground, I could hear him shout <strong>in</strong>g at the other two to staywhere they were.Gh . Trissonimo m.p.Herscu m.p.WolfPub lic Pros e cu tor***11.From: Re gional Po lice In spec tor ate, IasiTo:Cen tral Po lice Head quar ters23621/June 29, 1941This is a con t<strong>in</strong> u a tion of re port No.23469 of June 29, 1941:On June 18, at 10.00 hrs, a small num ber of <strong>in</strong> de pend ent armyunits <strong>in</strong> the dis trict of Tatarasi be gan search <strong>in</strong>g Jews, and whiledo <strong>in</strong>g so abused them con sid er ably, and com mit ted se ri ous of -fences aga<strong>in</strong>st them.124

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