Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

Holocaust in Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

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wa ter brought <strong>in</strong> buck ets. How ever, the wa ter was not for them to dr<strong>in</strong>k, itwas poured on the tracks be fore the very eyes of the parched pas sen gers. 22III. Plunder<strong>in</strong>gFrom the first days of the fas cist gov ern ment un til the fi nal hours beforethe col lapse of the re gime, the Jewish cit i zens of <strong>Romania</strong> were robbed un -re mit t<strong>in</strong>gly on an un imag <strong>in</strong> able scale. Many peo ple took part <strong>in</strong> these rob -beries from those of the low est strata to the highest, <strong>in</strong> clud <strong>in</strong>g theau thor i ties.1. Robberies Committed by Members of the Iron GuardMem bers of the Iron Guard committed large-scale and bru tal loot <strong>in</strong>g. Actsof loot <strong>in</strong>g were carried out by <strong>in</strong> di vid u als and or ga nized bands with thesupport and en cour age ment of au thor i ties whose duty <strong>in</strong> ev ery civilizedcoun try is to safeguard the property and lives of its cit i zens. The ma<strong>in</strong>methods of robbery employed by the Iron Guard were the fol low <strong>in</strong>g:(a) Iron Guard Aid: Through ter ror and tor ture, this supposedly char i ta bleIron Guard <strong>in</strong> sti tu tion, robbed Jews of cash and goods worth hun dreds ofmil lions of lei. Such <strong>in</strong> ci dents were wide spread <strong>in</strong> Piatra Neamt , Buhusi ,Targu-Neamt , Iasi. In Bu cha rest the Lord Mayor’s Of fice of the third“Albastru ” district was es pe cially re nowned for this ac tiv ity. Sim i lar actsalso oc curred <strong>in</strong> Ploiesti , Targovite .The <strong>in</strong> sti tu tion, founded at the peak of the ter ror, had lit tle dif fi culty <strong>in</strong>achiev <strong>in</strong>g its aim. The <strong>in</strong>timidated and broken Jews suc cumbed eas ily tothe fright en <strong>in</strong>g clubs and re volv ers po<strong>in</strong>ted at them. All Iron Guard so cial22 Re port No.22088 of June 25, 1941 is sued by the Po lice Head -quar ters <strong>in</strong> Bacau , a town which was granted mu nic i pal au thor ity,jus ti fies the use of po lice force by re port <strong>in</strong>g that a woman fromDaraban was made to get off the tra<strong>in</strong> be cause she went mad onthe way to the con cen tra tion camp.31

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