Australia Yearbook - 2001

Australia Yearbook - 2001

Australia Yearbook - 2001


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256 Year Book <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>2001</strong><br />


1996–97<br />

1997–98<br />

1998–99<br />

1999–00<br />

Type of payment<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Payments made under Social Security Act 1991<br />

The retired<br />

Age Pension 13 204 658 13 141 895 13 569 056 14 037 940<br />

Wife Pension (Aged) . . 254 752 243 433 240 751<br />

People with disabilities or the sick<br />

Carer Payment . . 258 474 307 506 369 723<br />

Child Disability Allowance(b) 233 106 248 429 244 896 . .<br />

Carer Allowance(b) .. .. .. 412334<br />

Disability Support Pension 5 299 148 4 599 452 4 920 223 5 253 241<br />

Wife Pension (DSP) . . 599 136 534 069 479 205<br />

Disability Wage Supplement(c) 2 193 2 034 . . . .<br />

Mobility Allowance 38 118 41 863 46 137 52 096<br />

Rehabilitation Allowance –36 –219 . . . .<br />

Sickness Allowance 144 280 92 684 93 043 83 881<br />

The unemployed<br />

Austudy Payment(d) . . . . 287 173 253 870<br />

Fares Allowance(d) . . . . 675 569<br />

Job Search Allowance . . –47 105 . . . .<br />

Newstart Allowance 6 047 829 5 804 836 5 370 669 4 954 450<br />

Mature Age Allowance 472 469 443 380 401 698 367 250<br />

Partner Allowance 497 841 532 278 590 185 646 460<br />

Pensioner Education Supplement(d) . . . . 44 601 49 571<br />

Student Financial Supplement(e) . . . . 259 745 290 681<br />

Youth Allowance(f) . . . . 1 843 498 2 002 830<br />

Families with children<br />

Additional Family Payment –2927 .. .. ..<br />

Basic Family Payment –2803 .. .. ..<br />

Double Orphan Pension 1 681 1 778 1 725 1 779<br />

Family Allowance 6 284 731 6 363 712 6 391 490 6 573 857<br />

Family Tax Payment 288 564 558 735 546 217 531 927<br />

Home Child Care Allowance –1049 .. .. ..<br />

Maternity Allowance 196 716 183 607 167 085 195 809<br />

Parenting Allowance(g) 2 216 628 1 570 502 –17 192 . .<br />

Parenting Payment(g) . . 1 455 563 5 402 944 5 494 230<br />

Sole Parent Pension(h) 2 992 322 2 206 233 –18 274 . .<br />

Provision for special circumstances<br />

Bereavement Allowance 1 178 997 734 782<br />

Disaster Relief Payment –12 28 165 . .<br />

Special Benefit 132 289 95 867 99 585 98 704<br />

Widow Class ‘B’ Pension 296 905 147 187 105 694 89 849<br />

Widow Allowance 117 273 180 112 227 289 270 825<br />

Total 38 550 242 38 894 385 41 667 765 42 752 614<br />

Payments made under other Acts<br />

Childcare cash rebate(i) . . 123 050 117 000 164 447<br />

Child Support Trust Account(j) . . 31 638 34 778 4 158<br />

States Grants Housing Act 1971(k) . . 5 500 5 498 5 500<br />

Youth Training Allowance(f)(l) 159 138 158 177 3 699 . .<br />

Unexplained remittances . . 266 330 42<br />

Total Special Appropriations(m) 38 550 242 39 054 839 41 825 371 42 926 761<br />

(a) Expenditure for 1998–99 onwards is reported on an accrual basis and is not directly comparable to expenditure in previous years. (b) Carer Allowance replaces<br />

Child Disability Allowance, and Domicilary Nursing Carer Benefit has been added (transferred from Department of Health and Aged Care on 1 July 1999). (c) Disability<br />

Wage Supplement was abolished on 1 January 1998. All recipients were transferred to Disability Support Pension. (d) Replaces, in part, the former AUSTUDY<br />

(Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs). (e) Previously administered by the (then) Department of Employment, Education, Training and<br />

Youth Affairs. (f) From 1 July, 1998, Youth Allowance replaced payments made to certain recipients of the following: Newstart Allowance; Youth Training Allowance;<br />

Sickness Allowance and AUSTUDY. (g) Parenting Allowance and Sole Parent Pension replaced by Parenting Payment on 20 March 1998. (h) Comprising Parenting<br />

Payment (Partnered) and Parenting Payment (Sole Parent). (i) Payments made under the Childcare Rebate Act 1993 (transferred from the Department of Health and<br />

Family Services in October 1998). (j) Payments made under the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 (transferred from the Department of the Treasury<br />

in October 1998). These payments are to cover shortfalls in the Child Support Trust Account. (k) Payments made under the States Grants Housing Act 1971.<br />

(l) Payments made under the Student and Youth Assistance Act 1973. (m) Components do not add to total as Youth Training Allowance is also included under<br />

Newstart Allowance in this table.<br />

Source: Department of Family and Community Services.

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