Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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Chapter 7: Transport in plants<br />

continuous columns. It is just like sucking water up a<br />

straw. When you suck a straw, you reduce the pressure<br />

at the top of the straw, causing a pressure difference<br />

between the top and bottom. The higher pressure at the<br />

bottom pushes water up the straw. Note that the lower<br />

the hydrostatic pressure, the lower the water potential, so<br />

a hydrostatic pressure gradient is also a water potential<br />

gradient.<br />

The water in the xylem vessels, like the liquid in a<br />

‘sucked’ straw, is under tension. If you suck hard on a<br />

straw, its walls may collapse inwards as a result of the<br />

pressure differences you are creating. Xylem vessels have<br />

strong, lignified walls to stop them from collapsing in<br />

this way.<br />

The movement of water up through xylem vessels is<br />

by mass flow. This means that all the water molecules<br />

(and any dissolved solutes) move together, as a body of<br />

liquid, like water in a river. This is helped by the fact that<br />

water molecules are attracted to each other by hydrogen<br />

bonding (page 36); this attraction is called cohesion.<br />

They are also attracted to the cellulose and lignin in the<br />

walls of the xylem vessels, and this attraction is called<br />

adhesion. Cohesion and adhesion help to keep the water<br />

in a xylem vessel moving as a continuous column. The<br />

vessels are full of water. The fact that the cells are dead is<br />

an advantage, because it means there is no protoplasm to<br />

get in the way of transport.<br />

If an air bubble forms in the column, the column of<br />

water breaks and the difference in pressure between the<br />

water at the top and the water at the bottom cannot be<br />

transmitted through the vessel. We say there is an air lock.<br />

The water stops moving upwards. The small diameter of<br />

xylem vessels helps to prevent such breaks from occurring.<br />

Also, the pits in the vessel walls allow water to move<br />


7.8 In plants, transport of water from the environment<br />

to cells occurs in several ways. State the stages in the<br />

following types of transport:<br />

a osmosis<br />

b mass flow.<br />

7.9 Explain how each of the following features adapts<br />

xylem vessels for their function of transporting water<br />

from roots to leaves.<br />

a total lack of cell contents<br />

b no end walls in individual xylem elements<br />

c a diameter of between 0.01 mm and 0.2 mm<br />

d lignified walls<br />

e pits<br />

out into neighbouring vessels and so bypass such an air<br />

lock. Air bubbles cannot pass through pits. Pits are also<br />

important because they allow water to move out of xylem<br />

vessels to surrounding living cells.<br />

The xylem tissue in dicotyledonous stems is arranged<br />

in a series of rods around the centre of the stem, as shown<br />

in Figure 7.24. These strong rods help to support the stem.<br />

vascular<br />

bundle<br />

pith<br />

epidermis<br />

collenchyma<br />

tissue<br />

parenchyma<br />

phloem<br />

lignified fibres<br />

xylem<br />

cortex<br />

Figure 7.24 TS of a young sunflower (Helianthus) stem to show<br />

the distribution of tissues. The sunflower is a dicotyledonous<br />

plant.<br />

Root pressure<br />

You have seen how transpiration reduces the water<br />

(hydrostatic) pressure at the top of a xylem vessel<br />

compared with the pressure at the base, so causing the<br />

water to flow up the vessels. Plants may also increase the<br />

pressure difference between the top and bottom by raising<br />

the water pressure at the base of the vessels.<br />

The pressure is raised by the active secretion of solutes,<br />

for example mineral ions, into the water in the xylem<br />

vessels in the root. Cells surrounding the xylem vessels use<br />

energy to pump solutes across their membranes and into<br />

the xylem by active transport (page 86). The presence of<br />

the solutes lowers the water potential of the solution in the<br />

xylem, thus drawing in water from the surrounding root<br />

cells. This influx of water increases the water pressure at<br />

the base of the xylem vessel.<br />

Although root pressure may help in moving water<br />

up xylem vessels, it is not essential and is probably not<br />

significant in causing water to move up xylem in most<br />

plants. Water can continue to move up through xylem<br />

even if the plant is dead. Water transport in plants is<br />

largely a passive process, driven by transpiration from the<br />

leaves. The water simply moves down a continuous water<br />

potential gradient from the soil to the air.<br />


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