Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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<strong>Cambridge</strong> <strong>International</strong> A <strong>Level</strong> <strong>Biology</strong><br />

416<br />

At some later time, probably around 1892, faulty<br />

cell division in S. townsendii somehow produced cells<br />

with double the number of chromosomes. A tetraploid<br />

plant was produced, probably from the fusion of two<br />

abnormal diploid gametes from S. townsendii. So this<br />

tetraploid has two sets of chromosomes that originally<br />

came from S. maritima, and two sets from S. alterniflora.<br />

It is an allotetraploid. These chromosomes can pair up<br />

with each other, two and two, during meiosis, so this<br />

tetraploid plant is fertile. It has been named S. anglica. It is<br />

more vigorous than any of the other three species, and has<br />

spread so widely and so successfully that it has practically<br />

replaced them in England.<br />

Molecular comparisons<br />

between species<br />

Molecular evidence from comparisons of the amino acid<br />

sequences of proteins and of the nucleotide sequences of<br />

mitochondrial DNA can be used to reveal similarities<br />

between related species.<br />

Comparing amino acid sequences of<br />

proteins<br />

As you saw in Chapter 16, changing a single amino acid in<br />

the primary structure of a protein may cause a dramatic<br />

change in its structure and function. However, for many<br />

proteins, small changes in the amino acid sequence leave<br />

the overall structure and the function of the protein<br />

unaltered. Typically, the part of the molecule essential for<br />

its function (such as the active site of an enzyme) remains<br />

the same, but other parts of the molecule may show<br />

changes. When the amino acid sequence of a particular<br />

protein is compared in different species, the number of<br />

differences gives a measure of how closely related the<br />

species are.<br />

Let us take cytochrome c as an example. Cytochrome c<br />

is a component of the electron transfer chain in oxidative<br />

phosphorylation in mitochondria (pages 273–275). A<br />

protein with such an important function is expected to<br />

have a similar sequence of amino acids in different species<br />

since a poorly adapted cytochrome c molecule would<br />

result in the death of the organism.<br />

When the sequences of cytochrome c from humans,<br />

mice and rats were compared, it was found that:<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

all three molecules consist of 104 amino acids<br />

the sequences of mouse and rat cytochromes c are<br />

identical<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

nine amino acids in human cytochrome c are different<br />

from the mouse or rat sequence<br />

most of these substitutions in human cytochrome c<br />

are of amino acids with the same type of R group<br />

(Appendix 1).<br />

This comparison suggests that mice and rats are closely<br />

related species, sharing a recent common ancestor, and<br />

that humans are more distantly related, sharing a common<br />

ancestor with mice and rats less recently.<br />

When the sequences of cytochrome c from other species,<br />

such as a fruit fly or a nematode worm, are also examined,<br />

the number of differences from the human sequence<br />

increases. These organisms are less closely related to humans.<br />

Comparing nucleotide sequences of<br />

mitochondrial DNA<br />

Differences in the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial<br />

DNA (mtDNA) can be used to study the origin and spread<br />

of our own species, Homo sapiens. Human mitochondrial<br />

DNA is inherited through the female line. A zygote contains<br />

the mitochondria of the ovum, but not of the sperm.<br />

Since the mitochondrial DNA is circular (page 276) and<br />

cannot undergo any form of crossing over, changes in the<br />

nucleotide sequence can only arise by mutation.<br />

Mitochondrial DNA mutates faster than nuclear DNA,<br />

acquiring one mutation every 25 000 years. Unlike nuclear<br />

DNA, mitochondrial DNA is not protected by histone<br />

proteins (page 95) and oxidative phosphorylation in the<br />

mitochondria (page 273) can produce forms of oxygen that<br />

act as mutagens.<br />

Different human populations show differences in<br />

mitochondrial DNA sequences. These provide evidence for<br />

the origin of H. sapiens in Africa and for the subsequent<br />

migrations of the species around the world. These studies<br />

have led to the suggestion that all modern humans, of<br />

whatever race, are descendants from one woman, called<br />

Mitochondrial Eve, who lived in Africa between 150 000<br />

and 200 000 years ago. This date is derived from the<br />

ʻmolecular clockʼ hypothesis, which assumes a constant<br />

rate of mutation over time and that the greater the<br />

number of differences in the sequence of nucleotides, the<br />

longer ago those individuals shared a common ancestor.<br />

The ‘clock’ can be calibrated by comparing nucleotide<br />

sequences of species whose date of speciation can be<br />

estimated from fossil evidence.

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