Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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Chapter 11: Immunity<br />

Summary<br />

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Phagocytes and lymphocytes are the cells of the<br />

immune system. Phagocytes originate in the bone<br />

marrow and are produced there throughout life. There<br />

are two types of phagocyte. Neutrophils circulate in the<br />

blood and enter infected tissues; macrophages remain<br />

inside tissues. Neutrophils and macrophages destroy<br />

bacteria and viruses by phagocytosis.<br />

Antigens are ‘foreign’ (non-self) molecules that<br />

stimulate the immune system.<br />

Lymphocytes also originate in bone marrow. There are<br />

two types: B-lymphocytes (B cells) and T-lymphocytes<br />

(T cells). B cells and T cells gain glycoprotein receptors<br />

that are specific to each cell as they mature. Each<br />

lymphocyte divides to form a small clone of cells that<br />

spreads throughout the body in the blood and in the<br />

lymphoid tissue (e.g. lymph nodes and spleen). B cells<br />

mature in bone marrow. T cells mature in the thymus<br />

gland. During maturation, many T cells are destroyed, as<br />

they express receptors that interact with self-antigens. If<br />

left to circulate in the body, they would destroy cells and<br />

tissues. The T cells that are not destroyed recognise nonself<br />

antigens, such as those on the surfaces of pathogens.<br />

During an immune response, those B and T cells that<br />

have receptors specific to the antigen are activated.<br />

When B cells are activated, they form plasma cells which<br />

secrete antibodies. T cells do not secrete antibodies;<br />

their surface receptors are similar to antibodies and<br />

identify antigens. T cells develop into either helper T<br />

cells or killer T cells (cytotoxic T cells). Helper T cells<br />

secrete cytokines that control the immune system,<br />

activating B cells and killer T cells, which kill infected<br />

host cells.<br />

During an immune response, memory cells are formed<br />

which retain the ability to divide rapidly and develop<br />

into active B or T cells on a second exposure to the same<br />

antigen (immunological memory).<br />

Antibodies are globular glycoproteins. They all have<br />

one or more pairs of identical heavy polypeptides and<br />

of identical light polypeptides. Each type of antibody<br />

interacts with one antigen via the specific shape of<br />

its variable region. Each molecule of the simplest<br />

antibody (IgG) can bind to two antigen molecules.<br />

Larger antibodies (IgM and IgA) have more than two<br />

antigen-binding sites. Antibodies agglutinate bacteria,<br />

prevent viruses infecting cells, coat bacteria and viruses<br />

to aid phagocytosis, act with plasma proteins to burst<br />

bacteria, and neutralise toxins.<br />

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Blood cell counts give useful information in diagnosis<br />

and in monitoring the success of treatments for certain<br />

medical conditions. During infectious diseases, the<br />

white blood cell count often increases as neutrophils are<br />

released from stores in the bone marrow (neutrophils<br />

travel in the blood to the site(s) of infection to destroy<br />

the pathogens by phagocytosis).<br />

Leukaemias are cancers of the stem cells in the<br />

bone marrow that give rise to blood cells. In myeloid<br />

leukaemias, the stem cells responsible for producing<br />

neutrophils divide uncontrollably and the number of<br />

immature cells increases. In lymphoblastic leukaemias,<br />

the cancerous cells are those that give rise to<br />

lymphocytes.<br />

Active immunity is the production of antibodies and<br />

active T cells during a primary immune response<br />

to an antigen acquired either naturally by infection<br />

or artificially by vaccination. This gives long-term<br />

immunity. Passive immunity is the introduction of<br />

antibodies either naturally across the placenta or<br />

in breast milk, or artificially by injection. This gives<br />

temporary immunity.<br />

Vaccination confers artificial active immunity by<br />

introducing a small quantity of an antigen by injection<br />

or by mouth. A vaccine may be a whole living organism,<br />

a dead one, a harmless version of a toxin (toxoid) or<br />

a preparation of antigens. It is difficult to develop<br />

successful vaccines against diseases caused by<br />

organisms that have many different strains, express<br />

different antigens during their life cycle within humans<br />

(antigenic variation), or infect parts of the body beyond<br />

the reach of antibodies (antigenic concealment).<br />

Smallpox was eradicated by a programme of<br />

surveillance, contact tracing and ‘ring’ vaccination,<br />

using a ‘live’ vaccine against the only strain of the<br />

smallpox virus.<br />

Measles is a common cause of death among infants in<br />

poor communities. It is difficult to eradicate because<br />

a wide coverage of vaccination has not been achieved<br />

and malnourished children do not respond well to just<br />

one dose of the vaccine. Vaccines for TB and cholera<br />

are not very effective. Vaccines for malaria are being<br />

trialled and may become available for widespread use.<br />

Antibodies are not very effective against V. cholerae and<br />

its toxin, as the bacterium and its toxin remain in the<br />

alimentary canal. Antibodies cannot cross cell surface<br />

membranes to reach M. tuberculosis, which infects host<br />

cells, especially macrophages.<br />


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