Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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Chapter 13: Photosynthesis<br />

BOX 13.2: Investigating the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic plant<br />

Elodea, or other similar aquatic plants, can be used to<br />

investigate the effect on the rate of photosynthesis of<br />

altering the:<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

light intensity – by altering the distance, d, of a small<br />

light source from the plants (light intensity is<br />

proportional to 1 d 2)<br />

wavelength of light – by using different colour filters,<br />

making sure that they each transmit the same light<br />

intensity<br />

concentration of carbon dioxide – by adding different<br />

quantities of sodium hydrogencarbonate (NaHCO 3<br />

) to<br />

the water surrounding the plant<br />

temperature of the water surrounding the plant<br />

– using a large container, such as a beaker, to help<br />

maintain the chosen temperatures.<br />

The aquatic plant needs to be well illuminated before use<br />

and the chosen stem needs to be cut cleanly just before<br />

putting it into a test tube (Figure 13.10).<br />

The bubbles given off are mostly oxygen, but contain<br />

some nitrogen. To prevent these gases from dissolving in<br />

the water, rather than forming bubbles, the water needs to<br />

be well aerated (by bubbling air through it) before use.<br />

293<br />

Figure 13.10 Investigating the rate of photosynthesis<br />

using an aquatic plant.<br />

C4 plants<br />

In the light independent stage of photosynthesis, you may<br />

remember that carbon dioxide combines with RuBP to<br />

form a six-carbon compound, which immediately splits to<br />

form two three-carbon molecules (page 290). Plants that<br />

do this are called C3 plants.<br />

However, maize and sorghum plants – and most<br />

other tropical grasses – do something different. The first<br />

compound that is produced in the light independent<br />

reaction contains four carbon atoms. They are therefore<br />

called C4 plants.<br />

Avoiding photorespiration<br />

Why do tropical grasses need to do something different<br />

from other plants in the light independent stage of<br />

photosynthesis? The reason is a problem with the enzyme<br />

rubisco. This enzyme catalyses the reaction of carbon<br />

dioxide with RuBP. But, unfortunately, it can also catalyse<br />

the reaction of oxygen with RuBP. When this happens,<br />

less photosynthesis takes place, because some of the<br />

RuBP is being ‘wasted’ and less is available to combine<br />

with carbon dioxide. This unwanted reaction is known<br />

as photorespiration. It happens most readily in high<br />

temperatures and high light intensity – that is, conditions<br />

that are found at low altitudes in tropical parts of<br />

the world.<br />

Tropical grasses such as maize, sorghum and sugar cane<br />

have evolved a method of avoiding photorespiration. They<br />

keep RuBP and rubisco well away from high oxygen<br />

concentrations. The cells that contain RuBP and rubisco<br />

are arranged around the vascular bundles, and are called<br />

bundle sheath cells (Figures 13.11, 13.12 and 13.13). They<br />

have no direct contact with the air inside the leaf.<br />

Carbon dioxide is absorbed by another group of<br />

cells, the mesophyll cells, which are in contact with<br />

air (Figure 13.13). The mesophyll cells contain an enzyme<br />

called PEP carboxylase, which catalyses the combination<br />

of carbon dioxide from the air with a three-carbon<br />

substance called phosphoenolpyruvate, or PEP. The<br />

compound formed from this reaction is oxaloacetate<br />

(Figure 13.14).

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