Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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Chapter 14: Homeostasis<br />

The hypothalamus receives information about<br />

temperature from other sources as well. The skin contains<br />

receptors that monitor changes in skin temperature.<br />

The skin temperature is the first to change if there is a<br />

change in the temperature of the surroundings. These skin<br />

receptors give an ‘early warning’ about a possible change<br />

in core temperature. If the core temperature decreases,<br />

or if the temperature receptors in the skin detect a<br />

decrease in the temperature of the surroundings, the<br />

hypothalamus sends impulses that activate the following<br />

physiological responses.<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

Vasoconstriction – muscles in the walls of arterioles<br />

that supply blood to capillaries near the skin surface<br />

contract. This narrows the lumens of the arterioles and<br />

reduces the supply of blood to the capillaries so that<br />

less heat is lost from the blood.<br />

Shivering – the involuntary contraction of skeletal<br />

muscles generates heat which is absorbed by the blood<br />

and carried around the rest of the body.<br />

Raising body hairs – muscles at the base of hairs in the<br />

skin contract to increase the depth of fur so trapping<br />

air close to the skin. Air is a poor conductor of heat<br />

and therefore a good insulator. This is not much use in<br />

humans, but is highly effective for most mammals.<br />

Decreasing the production of sweat – this reduces the<br />

loss of heat by evaporation from the skin surface.<br />

Increasing the secretion of adrenaline – this hormone<br />

from the adrenal gland increases the rate of heat<br />

production in the liver.<br />

The hypothalamus also stimulates higher centres in the<br />

brain to bring about some behavioural responses. Some<br />

animals respond by curling up to reduce the surface area<br />

exposed to the air and by huddling together. We respond<br />

by finding a source of warmth and putting on<br />

warm clothing.<br />

When an increase in environmental temperature is<br />

detected by skin receptors or the central thermoreceptors,<br />

the hypothalamus increases the loss of heat from the body<br />

and reduces heat production.<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

Vasodilation – the muscles in the arterioles in the<br />

skin relax, allowing more blood to flow through the<br />

capillaries so that heat is lost to the surroundings.<br />

Lowering body hairs – muscles attached to the hairs<br />

relax so they lie flat, reducing the depth of fur and the<br />

layer of insulation.<br />

Increasing sweat production – sweat glands increase<br />

the production of sweat which evaporates on the<br />

surface of the skin so removing heat from the body.<br />

The behavioural responses of animals to heat include<br />

resting or lying down with the limbs spread out to<br />

increase the body surface exposed to the air. We respond<br />

by wearing loose fitting clothing, turning on fans or air<br />

conditioning and taking cold drinks.<br />

When the environmental temperature decreases<br />

gradually, as it does with the approach of winter in<br />

temperate climates, the hypothalamus releases a hormone<br />

which activates the anterior pituitary gland (page 312)<br />

to release thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH<br />

stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the hormone<br />

thyroxine into the blood. Thyroxine increases metabolic<br />

rate, which increases heat production especially in the<br />

liver. When temperatures start to increase again, the<br />

hypothalamus responds by reducing the release of TSH by<br />

the anterior pituitary gland so less thyroxine is released<br />

from the thyroid gland.<br />

There are two other examples of the role of<br />

negative feedback in homeostasis later in this chapter:<br />

osmoregulation and blood glucose control. Sometimes<br />

control mechanisms do not respond in the way described<br />

so far. If a person breathes air that has very high carbon<br />

dioxide content, this produces a high concentration of<br />

carbon dioxide in the blood. This is sensed by carbon<br />

dioxide receptors, which cause the breathing rate to<br />

increase. So the person breathes faster, taking in even<br />

more carbon dioxide, which stimulates the receptors even<br />

more, so the person breathes faster and faster. This is an<br />

example of a positive feedback. You can see that positive<br />

feedback cannot play any role in keeping conditions in<br />

the body constant! However, this method of control is<br />

involved in several biological processes including the<br />

transmission of nerve impulses (page 335)<br />


14.2 Use Figure 14.2 on page 301 to make a flow diagram<br />

to show the negative feedback loop that keeps<br />

temperature constant in a mammal. Your diagram<br />

should include the names of the receptors and<br />

effectors, and the actions that the effectors take.<br />


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