Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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<strong>Cambridge</strong> <strong>International</strong> AS and A <strong>Level</strong> <strong>Biology</strong><br />

522<br />

phagocytosis see endocytosis<br />

phenotype the characteristics of an organism, often<br />

resulting from an interaction between its genotype and its<br />

environment<br />

phloem tissue containing sieve tubes and other types of cell,<br />

responsible for the translocation of assimilates such as<br />

sucrose through a plant<br />

phospholipid a substance whose molecules are made up of a<br />

glycerol molecule, two fatty acids and a phosphate group; a<br />

bilayer of phospholipids forms the basic structure of all cell<br />

membranes<br />

phosphorylation the transfer of a phosphate group to an<br />

organic compound<br />

photoautotroph autotroph that uses light energy in<br />

photosynthesis<br />

photolysis the splitting of water using light energy:<br />

H 2<br />

O → 2H + + 2e − + O 2<br />

photophosphorylation the synthesis of ATP from ADP and<br />

P i<br />

using light energy in photosynthesis (compare oxidative<br />

phosphorylation)<br />

photorespiration a wasteful reaction in which RuBP<br />

combines with oxygen rather than carbon dioxide; it is<br />

favoured by high temperatures and high light intensities<br />

photosystem a cluster of light-harvesting accessory pigments<br />

surrounding a primary pigment or<br />

reaction centre<br />

pinocytosis see endocytosis<br />

plant growth regulator (plant hormone) any chemical<br />

produced in plants that influences their growth and<br />

development, e.g. auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins and<br />

abscisic acid<br />

Plantae one of the four kingdoms of the domain Eukarya;<br />

eukaryotic organisms which are multicellular, have cell<br />

walls that contain cellulose and can photosynthesise<br />

plasmid a small, circular piece of DNA in a bacterium (not<br />

its main ‘chromosome’); plasmids often contain genes that<br />

confer resistance to antibiotics<br />

plasmodesma (plural: plasmodesmata) a pore-like structure<br />

found in plant cell walls; plasmodesmata of neighbouring<br />

plant cells line up to form tube-like pores through the cell<br />

walls, allowing the controlled passage of materials from one<br />

cell to the other; the pores contain ER and are lined with<br />

the cell surface membrane<br />

podocyte one of the cells that makes up the lining of<br />

Bowman’s capsule surrounding the glomerular capillaries<br />

polymer a giant molecule made from many similar repeating<br />

subunits joined together in a chain; the subunits are much<br />

smaller and simpler molecules known as monomers;<br />

polymers may also be referred to as macromolecules;<br />

examples of biological polymers are polysaccharides,<br />

proteins and nucleic acids; see monomer<br />

polynucleotide a chain of nucleotides<br />

polypeptide a long chain of amino acids formed by<br />

condensation reactions between the individual amino<br />

acids; proteins are made of one or more polypeptide chains;<br />

see peptide bond<br />

polyploidy possessing more than two complete sets of<br />

chromosomes<br />

polyribosome the group of ribosomes working on the same<br />

mRNA molecule<br />

polysaccharide a polymer whose subunits are<br />

monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic bonds<br />

population all of the organisms of the same species present<br />

in the same place and at the same time that can interbreed<br />

with one another<br />

positive feedback a process in which a change in some<br />

parameter brings about processes that move its level even<br />

further in the direction of the initial change<br />

postsynaptic neurone the neurone on the opposite side<br />

of a synapse to the neurone in which the action<br />

potential arrives<br />

potometer a piece of apparatus used to measure the rate of<br />

uptake of water by a plant<br />

presynaptic neurone a neurone ending at a synapse from<br />

which neurotransmitter is secreted when an action<br />

potential arrives<br />

primary pigment see reaction centre<br />

primary structure the sequence of amino acids in a<br />

polypeptide or protein<br />

probe a length of DNA that has a complementary base<br />

sequence to another piece of DNA that you are trying<br />

to detect<br />

progesterone a steroid hormone secreted by the corpus<br />

luteum in the ovary after ovulation; used in contraceptive<br />

pills<br />

prokaryote see prokaryotic cell<br />

prokaryotic cell a cell that does not contain a nucleus or any<br />

other membrane-bound organelles; bacteria and archeans<br />

are prokaryotes<br />

promoter a length of DNA that controls the expression of a<br />

gene<br />

prosthetic group a non-protein component that is attached<br />

to a protein to form a complex molecule; it aids the protein<br />

in its function; an example is the iron-containing haem<br />

group, which is attached to α-globin and β-globin to form<br />

haemoglobin<br />

Protoctista one of the five kingdoms; eukaryotic organisms<br />

which are single-celled, or made up of groups of similar<br />

cells<br />

protoctist a member of the Protoctista kingdom<br />

protoplast the living contents of a plant cell, including the cell<br />

surface membrane, but excluding the cell wall<br />

Purkyne tissue an area of tissue in the septum of the heart<br />

that conducts the wave of excitation from the atria to the<br />

base of the ventricles<br />

quadrat a square frame which is used to mark out an area for<br />

sampling of organisms<br />

quaternary structure the three-dimensional arrangement of<br />

two or more polypeptides, or of a polypeptide<br />

and a non-protein component such as haem, in a<br />

protein molecule

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