Cambridge International A Level Biology Revision Guide

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<strong>Cambridge</strong> <strong>International</strong> AS <strong>Level</strong> <strong>Biology</strong><br />

62<br />

product binds to another part of the enzyme and prevents<br />

more substrate binding. However, the end-product can<br />

lose its attachment to the enzyme and go on to be used<br />

elsewhere, allowing the enzyme to reform into its active<br />

state. As product levels fall, the enzyme is able to top them<br />

up again. This is termed end-product inhibition.<br />

Comparing enzyme affinities<br />

There is enormous variation in the speed at which different<br />

enzymes work. A typical enzyme molecule can convert<br />

around one thousand substrate molecules into product per<br />

second. This is known as the turnover rate. The enzyme<br />

carbonic anhydrase (Chapter 12) is one of the fastest<br />

enzymes known. It can remove 600 000 molecules of<br />

carbon dioxide from respiring tissue per second, roughly<br />

10 7 times as fast as the reaction would occur in the absence<br />

of the enzyme. It has presumably evolved such efficiency<br />

because a build-up of carbon dioxide in tissues would<br />

quickly become lethal. Speeds such as these are only<br />

possible because molecules within cells move about very<br />

quickly by diffusion over short distances, with tens or<br />

hundreds of thousands of collisions per second occurring<br />

between enzyme and substrate molecules.<br />

Simple measurements of the rate of activity of enzymes<br />

can be carried out. See for example, Box 3.1, Figures<br />

3.6 and 3.7 and Questions 3.4 and 3.6. More precise<br />

measurements of the rate at which enzymes work are<br />

difficult and complex to make, but are important for<br />

our understanding of how enzymes work together to<br />

control cell metabolism. One of the key steps towards<br />

understanding how well an enzyme performs is to<br />

measure the theoretical maximum rate (velocity), V max<br />

,<br />

of the reaction it catalyses. At V max<br />

all the enzyme molecules<br />

are bound to substrate molecules – the enzyme is saturated<br />

with substrate. The principle of how V max<br />

is measured is<br />

described on page 58. To summarise, the reaction rate<br />

is measured at different substrate concentrations while<br />

keeping the enzyme concentration constant. As substrate<br />

concentration is increased, reaction rate rises until the<br />

reaction reaches its maximum rate, V max<br />

.<br />


3.7 For each substrate concentration tested, the rate<br />

should be measured as soon as possible. Explain why.<br />

The initial rate for each substrate concentration is<br />

plotted against substrate concentration, producing a<br />

curve like that shown in Figure 3.8. This type of curve<br />

is described as asymptotic and such curves have certain<br />

mathematical properties. In particular, the curve never<br />

completely flattens out in practice. In theory, it does so<br />

at infinite substrate concentration, but this is obviously<br />

impossible to measure. This makes it impossible to<br />

accurately read off the value for V max<br />

from the graph.<br />

There is, however, a way round this problem. Instead of<br />

plotting substrate concentration, [S], on the x-axis and<br />

velocity (rate) on the y-axis, we can plot 1/[S] (the inverse<br />

of substrate concentration) and 1/velocity (the inverse<br />

of velocity) respectively. Such a plot is called a doublereciprocal<br />

plot. (Remember, the word ‘reciprocal’ means<br />

‘inverse’.) One advantage of doing this is that while it is<br />

impossible to plot infinite substrate concentration,<br />

1/infinity is zero, which can be plotted, so V max<br />

can be<br />

found accurately. Also, the resulting graph is a straight line.<br />

It is easier to understand this if you use some specimen<br />


3.8 a Copy the table and complete it by calculating the remaining values for<br />

1/[S] and 1/v to one decimal place.<br />

[S]<br />

/ arbitrary units<br />

1/[S]<br />

/ arbitrary units<br />

v<br />

/ arbitrary units<br />

0.02 50.0 0.025 40.0<br />

0.04 0.041<br />

0.06 0.052<br />

0.08 0.061<br />

0.10 0.067<br />

0.20 0.085<br />

1/v<br />

/ arbitrary units<br />

Table 3.1 Some results from an experiment to determine the effect of substrate<br />

concentration on the velocity of an enzyme reaction. [S] = substrate concentration,<br />

v = velocity (rate of reaction)<br />

b<br />

c<br />

Draw two graphs, one with [S] on<br />

the x-axis and v on the y-axis, and<br />

a second with 1/[S] on the x-axis<br />

and 1/v on the y-axis. (The second<br />

graph is a double-reciprocal plot.)<br />

Compare the two graphs. Note<br />

that the double-reciprocal plot is<br />

a straight line.<br />

After reading the rest of this<br />

section, calculate the values for<br />

V max<br />

and K m<br />

using the data from<br />

your double-reciprocal plot.

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