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The Christmas Cycle<br />

and mystical union with Christ. We, together with Christ, form the whole Christ through a<br />

holy betrothal. An earthly betrothal can achieve only a union of effort, of will, of love, and of<br />

purpose. But the union of Christ with His Church and with us produces a union like that of a<br />

head with its members, or like the union of a vine with its branches — a true and vital union.<br />

The union of Christ with His members surpasses every earthly union as heaven surpasses<br />

earth. Christ and His Church, Christ and His members live one and the same life. What a<br />

marvelous grace this is! How sublime is our destiny! Gaudens gaudebo: “I will greatly rejoice<br />

in the Lord, and my soul shall be joyful in my God” (Is 61:10). I have been united to the life<br />

and the person of Christ in the Church and through the Church.<br />

“Lift up thy eyes round about and see.” Understand this mystery. It is Christ who lives<br />

and works in the Church. His divine Spirit animates and joins the souls of all believers to<br />

Himself. It is His Spirit which is the principle of life in the Church, which makes it one<br />

living organism, and which makes the redemption of mankind effective. The Church is<br />

Christ Himself; she is the real manifestation of His divinity on earth. The Church is not a<br />

mere mediator between Christ and the soul, not a mere intermediary between God and<br />

man. The Church is the form in which Christ the Mediator and Redeemer draws near to<br />

men and accomplishes His work of redemption. The Church is the ever present epiphany,<br />

the abiding presence of Christ on earth. The Church can no more be separated from Christ,<br />

from His Spirit and His person, than a living body can be separated from its soul. In spite<br />

of her earthly appearance, she is elevated into the sphere of divine being. In her works we<br />

recognize the priesthood of Christ, the truth of Christ, the grace of Christ, the power and<br />

authority of Christ. “He that heareth you, heareth Me” (Lk 10:16).<br />

“Behold the Lord the Ruler is come; and the kingdom is in His hand, and power and dominion”<br />

(Introit). The divine bridegroom has been betrothed to His Church. Through the Church, He<br />

makes our life His, and His life ours. He lives in His Church, and He lives in each and every one<br />

of us who are children of the Church. “I am the vine; you the branches” ( Jn 15:5). The vine lives<br />

in its branches; it sustains them, animates them; its life pulsates through them, vitalizes them,<br />

nourishes them, and makes them fruitful. The branches share the life of the vine. That is the<br />

secret of the Church, and the secret of our greatness. “Arise and be enlightened, O Jerusalem, for<br />

the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee” (Gradual). Arise and be enlightened, O Holy Mother<br />

the Church, and thou, O happy Christian soul.<br />

“Behold the Lord the Ruler is come.” Behold, He lives in each and every member of the<br />

Church, in your neighbor as well as in yourself. In our neighbor we behold a manifestation of<br />

Christ. We must see Christ in our neighbor, honor Christ in our neighbor, and love Christ in<br />

our neighbor. We serve Christ in our neighbor. “Amen, I say to you, as long as you did it to one<br />

of these my least brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40).<br />

“Behold the Lord the Ruler is come.” Clearly the liturgy has in mind that glorious day when<br />

Christ will return in all His glory to summon His bride, the Church, and every Christian soul<br />

to the heavenly nuptials in the kingdom of heaven. “Arise and be enlightened, O Jerusalem.”<br />

Prayer<br />

Grant unto us, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, by purity of heart to attain to the understanding<br />

of that which with solemn worship we venerate. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />


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