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The Easter Cycle<br />

Besides giving Himself, the Holy Ghost gave them various gifts and charismata, thus making<br />

His presence known by sensible signs. In recalling this event, the liturgy has us in mind. We<br />

have received both the baptism of Christ and the sacrament of confirmation. We are bearers of<br />

the Spirit, filled with the Holy Ghost.<br />

The Introit applies to us: “When I shall be sanctified in you, I will gather you together out of<br />

all the countries [into the fold of the Church], and I will pour upon you clean water [baptism]<br />

and you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness.” There can be no doubt that we have received<br />

the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost, together with the Father and the Son in the inseparable<br />

unity of the divinity, has come to us to abide in us. He is most intimately bound to our souls in<br />

a living union. “The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it seeth Him not<br />

nor knoweth Him, shall abide with you and shall be in you” (Gospel). He lives and works in us<br />

who have been incorporated in the body of Christ.<br />

“He that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father; and I will love him and will manifest<br />

Myself to him” (Gospel). With what a love He has loved us! He has loved us with that same<br />

love which binds the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost together in the Blessed Trinity.<br />

We Christians can boast that the love with which the Father and the Son love us, and with<br />

which we love them, is God. “God is charity” (1 Jn 4:8). It is the Holy Ghost, the Love of<br />

God, who binds the Father and the Son together and completes their love. It is the same<br />

Holy Ghost who binds us to Christ, as head and members, so that as one we love, work, pray,<br />

suffer, and adore the Father. Through His miraculous entry into our souls and His marvelous<br />

union with them, He effects our union with Christ and binds us to the fountainhead of all<br />

grace. We are incorporated in Christ through the Holy Ghost, who lives in us. And the Holy<br />

Ghost, the Love of God, dwells in us because we are incorporated in Christ.<br />

O marvelous unity! O union of love! As surely as we are incorporated in Christ through<br />

baptism and are organically bound to Him and become one with Him, just as truly the Holy<br />

Ghost, the essence of divine love, dwells in us. What an elevation of our human nature, since the<br />

Holy Ghost, so to speak, becomes incarnate in us! What love on the part of God, that the Father<br />

and the Son and the Holy Ghost should bind us to themselves in such unending blessedness!<br />

The same Holy Ghost, the expression of the love of the Father and the Son, binds us to the Son<br />

and, through the Son, to the Father.<br />

How unfortunate that we should always merely skim the surface of our souls! Into the inner<br />

sanctuary where You reside, O Holy Ghost, we seldom penetrate. O God, at Pentecost give<br />

us a view of those unfathomable depths in which You dwell. From this day on let our gaze be<br />

fixed on Thee. Draw us away from the turmoil and distractions of our daily life into the depths<br />

of our soul where the Holy Ghost lives and works, that we may listen to His inspirations and<br />

live by His spirit.<br />

We dissipate our energies by distractions and allow ourselves to become slaves to our duties<br />

and obligations. We allow ourselves no moments of silence and meditation in which we might<br />

be led to the Holy Ghost, who lives in us. We forget His presence entirely. He lingers in the dark<br />

recesses of our soul and waits in vain for a glance or a word from us.<br />

Let us withdraw more into our own hearts, into their very depths. Let us listen to His inspirations<br />

and obey them promptly. Let us hearken to the voice that speaks within us and stirs<br />

us to action. Let us be more conscious of the sublime presence of God within us.<br />


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