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The Light of the World<br />

little while longer and death will come to call us to our home, where there will be no tears and<br />

no want. There we shall enjoy happiness, perfect happiness in the possession of God the Father,<br />

God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. This happiness will be eternal, enjoyed without the fear<br />

that anyone can ever take it from us.<br />

“It behooved Christ to suffer . . . and so to enter into His glory, alleluia” (Alleluia verse). Suffering<br />

is past; it has been exchanged for the joy of heaven, alleluia. “You now indeed have sorrow; but<br />

I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice.” The law that Christ fulfilled must be fulfilled<br />

also by all those who are incorporated in Him. Christ is the key that makes it possible to understand<br />

our life. “For unto you it is given for Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer<br />

for Him” (Phil 1:29). He whom God desires to free from this miserable world with its dangers<br />

and its deceits, and to lead to the possession of eternal goods, must be prepared for privations,<br />

misfortunes, and suffering during the “little while” of his life on earth. “But your sorrow shall<br />

be turned into joy.”<br />

The life of the Christian here on earth is really a life of sorrow, a life of suffering and hardship,<br />

a life of renunciation of his own wishes and desires, a life of crucifixion with Christ. Woe<br />

be to us if we have no sorrows. How can our sorrow be changed into joy if we have no sorrow?<br />

Eternal joy is the daughter of the sorrow which is our portion here on earth. “A little while, . . .<br />

and your sorrow shall be turned into joy.”<br />

We approach now to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There we renew our resolve<br />

to embrace Christian sorrow. There we stir up our desires for sacrifice, for renunciation, for suffering,<br />

and for being crucified together with Christ, our victim on the altar. Holy Communion<br />

disposes us and gives us the strength to embrace Christian sorrow. The Eucharist is the guarantee<br />

of our reunion with Christ. “I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your<br />

joy no man shall take from you.”<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who dost show to them that are in error the light of Thy truth, that they may return<br />

to the way of righteousness: grant to all those who profess to be Christians the grace to reject<br />

those things which are contrary to that name, and to follow such things as are agreeable to it.<br />

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

“Yet a little while,” for you are only pilgrims and strangers on earth. The liturgy wishes to center<br />

our attention and our efforts on what is right and enduring, and on those things in which we<br />

can find true peace. That alone has permanent value.<br />

“Yet a little while” (Gospel). Everything that exists on earth is temporal and passing. Our goods,<br />

our pleasures and our joys, our health, beauty, strength, youth, wealth, honors, friendships, even<br />

our suffering and misfortune, are of short duration and soon pass away. Man’s life on earth is<br />

like a gust of wind, and his “days [are] measurable” (Ps 38:6). “All flesh is grass, and all the glory<br />

thereof as the flower of the field. The grass is withered, and the flower is fallen because the spirit<br />

of the Lord hath blown upon it” (Is 40:6 f.). Every creature on earth bears this stamp on its<br />


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