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The Light of the World<br />

that Christ should suffer and on the third day rise again. He hands us the fish and the bread of<br />

Holy Eucharist. In the reception of Holy Communion He fills us with His spirit and His life.<br />

We have risen with Him, and now we seek the things that are above, where He sits at the right<br />

hand of God. We think now of the things that are above, not of worldly things (Communion).<br />

“Lift up your hearts.” Christ, the risen Christ, must dominate our thoughts, as He dominated<br />

the thoughts of the apostles in the supper room.<br />

“See My hands and My feet.” The Mass which we are attending is the repetition of His<br />

sacrifice on Calvary. When He comes to us at the Consecration of the Mass, He shows<br />

us His hands and His feet. Christ glorified suffering. For this reason He will bear His<br />

glorified wounds for all eternity. They will remind us that He has redeemed us from pain.<br />

Easter proclaims to the world: “The sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared<br />

with the glory to come” (Rom 8:18). The Easter joy causes the Christian to forget that<br />

He has carried the cross, for he knows that he has been redeemed. Christ was “obedient<br />

unto death, even to the death of the cross. For which cause God also hath exalted Him<br />

and hath given Him a name which is above all names” (Phil 2:8 f.). “See My hands and<br />

My feet,” and know that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the<br />

glory that awaits us. “See My hands and My feet,” and know that the chalice of suffering<br />

is the chalice of salvation.<br />

Christ is indeed risen. Our faith, then, is certain. We are redeemed. In Him we have the pardon<br />

of our sins. He has won for us the grace of becoming the children of God and heirs to<br />

the kingdom of heaven. “This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad<br />

therein. Let them now speak that have been redeemed by the Lord” (Gradual).<br />

The words of the Introit are true of us: “He gave them the water of wisdom [baptismal<br />

grace] to drink; it shall be made strong in them [confirmation], . . . and it shall exalt them forever.”<br />

This grace is the result of the death and resurrection of Christ, for which we offer Him<br />

our thanksgiving today. “Give glory to the Lord, and call upon His name; declare His deeds<br />

among the nations” (Introit). “The Lord thundered from heaven, and the Most High gave His<br />

voice; and the fountains of waters appeared, alleluia” (Offertory).<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who dost continually enrich Thy Church with new offspring, grant to Thy people<br />

that they may by their good life hold fast to the sacrament which they have received by faith.<br />

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Wednesday<br />

l. The liturgy today recalls the third appearance of Christ after His Resurrection, when we gather<br />

with the neophytes in the church of St. Lawrence.<br />

“Come, ye blessed of My Father, receive the kingdom which was prepared for you from<br />

the foundation of the world, alleluia” (Introit). With these words the Lord receives the<br />

newly baptized Christians as they present themselves at the threshold of the church of St.<br />

Lawrence. “Receive the kingdom” by reason of your membership in the Church, which<br />


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