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The Time After Pentecost<br />

first the kingdom of God” (Gospel). Having received in Holy Communion the fullness of the<br />

Spirit and of the life of God, we can also be sure that “all these things shall be added unto [us].”<br />

Meditation<br />

“Be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat, nor for your body, what you shall put on. . . .<br />

Your Father knoweth that you have need of all these things” (Gospel). Divine providence feeds<br />

the birds of the skies and clothes the lilies of the field. Do we not have even more reason for<br />

believing that it will feed and clothe man, the child of God?<br />

“Thy providence, O Father, governeth [the universe]” (Ws 14:3). Absolutely nothing that happens<br />

either in the universe or in the life of men is not directly willed by God or at least permitted<br />

by Him. Whatever is sinful God cannot, of course, will or approve; He can only permit it to<br />

occur; but He wills, orders, and governs all other things. His providence works with a divine,<br />

all-embracing wisdom, with a boundless power, with a goodness and love that is always intent<br />

on doing the best for each individual as well as for mankind and His creation in general. “Are<br />

not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? . . . You are<br />

of more value than many sparrows” (Lk 12:6 f.). The way God takes care of us is comparable to<br />

the way a hen takes care of her young ones, or a tireless mother looks after her child. “You shall<br />

be carried at the breasts, and upon the knees they shall caress you. As one whom the mother<br />

caresseth, so will I comfort you” (Is 66:12 f.). “Can a woman forget her infant, so as not to have<br />

pity on the son of her womb? And if she should forget, yet will not I forget thee” (Is 49:15).<br />

Besides the general providence of God, there is a particular providence, too, which extends<br />

to all those who sincerely seek God, who love Him and live for Him, who truly are His children.<br />

The Father in heaven guards them with an attentive and watchful eye, proving Himself particularly<br />

good and benevolent towards them. He works continually within them, being especially<br />

intent on sanctifying their souls day and night. Whatever happens to them in this world, must<br />

serve for their good. God, in His wisdom, power, and goodness, has ordered and joined everything<br />

in such a way that it leads to their greater sanctification. He makes no exception in<br />

this regard, but seeks to lead those whom He loves to continuous interior growth and to perfect<br />

union with Him, their true goal and happiness. How astonished and full of gratitude and<br />

admiration we shall some day be, when we finally come to understand in the light of eternity<br />

how divinely wise, powerful, and good has been God’s work within our souls here on earth,<br />

how He ordered and governed our lives for our own best interest. “Thy providence, O Father,<br />

governeth [the universe].”<br />

“O ye of little faith!” (Gospel.) In the past we have experienced many evident proofs of<br />

God’s loving care, both for our spiritual life and our material well-being. If we examine our lives<br />

even superficially, we shall realize how much mercy He has shown us, how He has protected us<br />

from many dangers of body and soul, and how He was our strength in countless temptations. If<br />

we have eyes to see, we ought to be aware of how much patience He has had with us, how many<br />

enlightenments and inspirations for doing good He planted in our souls, how many wonderful<br />

gifts of spirit, of heart, and of body He has bestowed upon us. But how often we rejected His<br />

guidance! Yet He took our hand and did not refuse His love and grace, even after we had stubbornly<br />

broken away from Him. Do we not have reason enough to put all our confidence in Him?<br />

Yet it is precisely this confidence that is particularly wanting in us; we have too little confidence.<br />


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