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The Light of the World<br />

Wednesday<br />

Christ had cleansed ten lepers; only one, however, returned to Him to thank Him for having<br />

been healed (Gospel). This one who returned is a type of the Church, which, having been<br />

cleansed in the blood of the Lord and the waters of baptism, returns to the Lord to thank Him.<br />

“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.”<br />

“It is truly meet and just, right and availing unto salvation, that we should at all times and in<br />

all places give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father Almighty and everlasting God, through<br />

Christ our Lord” (Preface of the Mass). The praise of God is the first object of the prayers of<br />

the Church; she adores, praises, and thanks Him. Every morning at sunrise she remembers<br />

that blessed moment when her children were born to light through the reception of the sacrament<br />

of baptism, when they rose out of the darkness of sin to a new life. In gratitude for these<br />

graces the Church sends her praises heavenward, especially in the Canticle of Lauds and the<br />

Benedictus, thanking the heavenly Father for having wrought in her children the miracle of<br />

spiritual resurrection from death to life. When the sun has risen, the priests of the Church go<br />

to the altar to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is a sacrifice of thanksgiving for<br />

the benefits of creation and of God’s providence in governing the world, and for the grace of the<br />

Incarnation, the redemption, and the descent of the Holy Ghost. It is the sacrifice of thanksgiving<br />

for the grace of divine sonship, for God’s dwelling within our souls, for our union with Christ,<br />

the head, and for membership in His mystical body. The Church feels urged to give thanks to<br />

God for having preserved and governed her throughout the centuries, for having multiplied<br />

her children throughout the earth, and for having unceasingly poured forth His assisting grace<br />

upon her children, illuminating and admonishing them, stimulating and aiding them with His<br />

divine wisdom.<br />

At the beginning of dusk, at Vespers, the Church gratefully looks back at the past, recalling<br />

all the graces she and her children have received, especially the greatest of all, the approach<br />

of God Himself to His children in Holy Communion. She jubilantly expresses her gratitude<br />

through the Magnificat of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God: “My soul doth magnify the Lord.<br />

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God, my Savior. Because He that is mighty hath done great<br />

things to me; and holy is His name. And His mercy is from generation unto generation, to<br />

them that fear Him” (Lk 1:46 ff.). At Compline she expresses her gratitude in the words of the<br />

aged Simeon: “Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word in peace;<br />

because my eyes have seen Thy salvation” (Lk 2:29 f.).<br />

The Church is aware that her debt of gratitude to God is so great that she never will be<br />

able to pay it by herself. Even if all the choirs of the angels and the blessed concurred, they<br />

would not be able to make a worthy return of gratitude for all the graces and gifts which God<br />

has bestowed upon the children of His Church. She therefore thanks Him “through Christ<br />

our Lord.” Making the cause of the Church His own, Christ, the mediator between God and<br />

men, unites the thanksgiving of His spouse and all her children with the infinitely meritorious<br />

acts of thanksgiving which unceasingly arise from His most Sacred Heart to the Father. He<br />

permeates the thanksgivings given to God by the Church with the fragrance and power of<br />

His human-divine thanksgiving. Through Him the Church is enabled to give to God thanks<br />

that are worthy of His love and graces. In return God gives to the Church and her children<br />

new graces and blessings.<br />


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