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The Time After Pentecost<br />

the priest as a victim for our sins. “Blessed are the eyes that see the things which you see” and<br />

the hands that offer what you offer. How much more acceptable is the sacrifice and prayer of<br />

Christ than that of Moses, the mediator of the Old Covenant! How much more acceptable is<br />

our sacrifice, the sacrifice of the baptized, than the sacrifices of men of ancient times who did<br />

not possess Christ! “Blessed are the eyes that see the things which you see.”<br />

“The earth shall be filled with the fruit of Thy works” (Communion). In Holy Communion<br />

Christ truly is the good Samaritan who comes to us with a most perfect devotion, full of love,<br />

carrying wine and oil in His hands, “that wine may cheer the heart of man, and that he may<br />

make the face cheerful with oil, and that bread may strengthen man’s heart” (Communion). In<br />

Holy Communion He instills new life into our soul: life of His life, spirit of His Spirit, love of<br />

His love. Let us try to be “good Samaritans,” too, mindful of the fact that, when we come down<br />

from the Holy Sacrifice and Holy Communion to discharge our duties in everyday life, we also<br />

must fulfill Christ’s words: “Go and do thou in like manner” (Gospel).<br />

Meditation<br />

God wishes to fill our souls with a consciousness of the glory and magnificence of all those graces<br />

that have fallen to our lot through Christ, the good Samaritan, in His holy Church. “Blessed are<br />

the eyes that see the things which you see” (Gospel).<br />

“I say to you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see the things that you see, and have<br />

not seen them; and to hear the things that you hear, and have not heard them” (Gospel). They<br />

had circumcision, the law of Moses, the temple, the daily sacrifices in Jerusalem, the psalms,<br />

the holy books; they were God’s chosen people enjoying God’s special protection. And yet they<br />

desired to see and hear what we, the baptized, the children of the Church of the New Covenant,<br />

see and hear: Jesus Christ. They were not granted this privilege, however, for the Old Covenant<br />

with its law, its rites, and its ceremonies was unable to redeem humanity.<br />

“A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers, who also<br />

stripped him, and having wounded him, went away, leaving him half dead. And it chanced<br />

that a certain priest went down the same way, and seeing him, passed by. In like manner also<br />

a Levite, when he was near the place and saw him, passed by” (Gospel). This picture of poor,<br />

unredeemed humanity, robbed by the devil and beaten half to death, is also a picture of the Old<br />

Testament, which, with its priests and Levites, was unable to save fallen humanity. It contained<br />

laws, prescribed prayers and sacrifices, and the observance of “days, and months, and times, and<br />

years” (Gal 4:10); it imposed many washings and penances. At its disposal were but “weak and<br />

needy elements” (Gal 4:9) unable to give true supernatural life. It was a “ministration of death”<br />

without means of communicating the life of grace.<br />

“Blessed are the eyes that see the things which you see.” Blessed are we who are members<br />

of the New Covenant, the union of grace. The priests and the Levites of the Old Covenant pass<br />

by the man who fell among robbers; they are unable to help him. “But a certain Samaritan,<br />

being on his journey, came near him, and seeing him, was moved with compassion, and going<br />

up to him, bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine; and setting him upon his own beast,<br />

brought him to an inn, and took care of him” (Gospel). The good Samaritan is none other<br />

than Christ the Lord. A good Samaritan, the Son of God, came down from the eternal abode<br />

of heaven to take care of poor, lost humanity. Full of compassion, He bows down daily to our<br />


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