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The Light of the World<br />



Advent<br />

In the liturgy of Advent the Church distinguishes, without separating them, two comings of<br />

Christ. His first appearance on earth was in His Incarnation, when He was conceived by the<br />

power of the Holy Ghost in the womb of His virgin mother. The same Son of God, who became<br />

man two thousand years ago, will be born again in the Church and in each individual soul this<br />

morning, and every morning, as long as the story of the redemption of man continues. For the<br />

Church and for each soul, every moment of earthly existence is an advent, a time of expectation<br />

and longing, in which Christ seeks to establish Himself in our heart, to fill us with His spirit and<br />

His light. It is a time set aside as a preparation for His second coming.<br />

In His second coming on the last day, Christ will come with power to complete the work<br />

of redemption on earth and to summon the elect on earth to share in the completion of His<br />

work, the enjoyment of eternal life.<br />

The dominating thought of the season of Advent is that of His first coming, that is, of His<br />

appearance in the world two thousand years ago, and of His continued presence in the souls<br />

of men through His redeeming power. This first coming of Christ is likewise a preparation for<br />

and an introduction to His second coming in the eternal Christmas of heaven.<br />

In the liturgy the coming of Christ in grace is an event both of the past and of the present.<br />

In the Mass, Christ comes every day to His Church and to the souls of men. In His birth the<br />

Church sees at the same time His rebirth in the soul through the sacraments. In this sense the<br />

coming of Christ is always of the present. The liturgy leads us to the altar and tells us that here<br />

we shall await, with faith and longing during the Mass of the catechumens, the coming of Christ<br />

in the Consecration and Communion which are to follow. The liturgy seeks to impress on us<br />

the importance of preparing our souls with zeal for the coming of the Lord. During the season<br />

of Advent we are to purify and sanctify our heart that it may become a worthy birthplace for<br />

Him. This we do by self-denial, penance, prayer, and vigilance. We must stir up in our hearts a<br />

longing for light, grace, and sanctification.<br />

The coming of Christ is of the present in so far as He who appeared for the first time at<br />

Christmas and who appears daily in the Mass, continues to live in the entire Church without<br />

interruption. He continues to live and work as the head lives and works in its members, as the<br />

vine continues to nourish the branches. Christ lives in the entire Church in the person of the<br />

pope, the bishop, the priest, and of each member of the Church. We believe that Christ is thus<br />

always mystically near at hand. We thank Him and adore Him for His ever-abiding presence.<br />

We open our hearts and our souls to Him and renounce earthly vanities and follies. We allow<br />

ourselves to be completely possessed by Christ so that He may be born again in our heart and<br />

establish Himself in our soul. “Put ye on the Lord Jesus” (Epistle of the first Sunday of Advent).<br />


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