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The Light of the World<br />

interruption she offers the Father during Mass the blood, merits, and satisfaction the Lord<br />

has made for us during His earthly life. These merits and satisfactions are of infinite value,<br />

and by this sacrifice the Church renders infinite homage, praise, and glory to almighty God.<br />

By virtue of the Mass she offers to divine justice the most complete satisfaction and expiation<br />

for our sins and the punishment due to them. By the Mass the Church gains abundant actual<br />

graces which illuminate the sinner and induce him to make acts of penance and contrition,<br />

thus leading him back to the friendship of God in the sacrament of penance. In the Mass<br />

she also gains the graces that incite and strengthen the just man to do good works, to make<br />

sacrifices, and to lift up his soul to perfect love for God and his neighbor. Offering Himself<br />

as a gift of sacrifice for His Church in the Mass, the Lord is the high priest and mediator<br />

before the Father, pleading the cause of His beloved bride, the Church. Can it be possible<br />

that the Father will deny anything to the Son, in whom He is well pleased? Will He disregard<br />

the prayers which His Son submits to Him in the name of His Church and for the Church?<br />

Assuredly God will not disregard the prayers of His Son. With confidence the Church prays<br />

in union with Christ: “In Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed.”<br />

The Church prays through Christ, the Lord. She concludes all her prayers with the<br />

words, “through Christ our Lord.” Since He is the mediator ordained by God to mediate<br />

between Himself and us, the Church, full of confidence, puts her prayers and intentions,<br />

her thanksgivings and praises in the hands of this mediator. He accepts them, uniting them<br />

with the adoration, thanksgiving, and praises of His own Heart, making them His own in<br />

such a way that He offers them to His Father as if they really were His own. Small wonder,<br />

then, that the Church rejoices: “When I cried to the Lord, He heard my voice” (Introit). For<br />

this reason she never wearies of praying and fears nothing, though she is surrounded by her<br />

enemies on all sides and is ever oppressed and persecuted. “To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up<br />

my soul; in Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed.” Now we understand<br />

why the Church repeatedly sings songs of triumph and victory: she is sure that her prayers<br />

will be heard through Christ, the mediator who makes them part of His all-powerful prayers.<br />

We pray with the Church. By virtue of our communion with the Church we also pray relying<br />

on Christ, the mediator, who ascended into heaven as our precursor and sits at the right hand<br />

of the Father “that He may appear now in the presence of God for us” (Heb 9:24). Having<br />

become one with Him, we also may go to the Father and say: “I am Thy first-begotten one.” We<br />

are allowed to speak to the Father in the name of His Son, asking of Him with fullest confidence<br />

for whatever we may stand in need of.<br />

We possess sanctifying grace, the grace of the sonship of God, by virtue of which the features<br />

of Christ, the Son of God, have been imprinted upon our soul. When, therefore, the Father<br />

sees us clothed with the robe of sanctifying grace, in the likeness of His Son, He cannot refuse<br />

us what we ask of Him; for in asking of Him we rely not on ourselves but on Him in whom the<br />

Father is well pleased.<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who dost manifest Thy almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity; increase<br />

Thy mercy towards us, that we, seeking the way of Thy promises, may be made partakers of Thy<br />

heavenly treasures. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />


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