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The Light of the World<br />

“Let Thy continual pity cleanse and defend Thy Church.” “Christ also loved the Church, and<br />

delivered Himself up for it that He might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word<br />

of life. That He might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or<br />

any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph 5:25–27). The children<br />

of that Church are to live and walk by the power of the Holy Spirit, who descended upon the<br />

Church at Pentecost. They are to be men of the spirit, men not desirous of vainglory, men who<br />

do not provoke each other to envy. They are to be men of the spirit; men conscious of their<br />

own weakness and instability, who are to teach the sinner the practice of meekness. They are to<br />

bear one another’s burdens and to be tireless in the pursuit of good (Epistle). The Church is the<br />

spotless bride of Christ. Since she herself is without blemish, she longs to see this same quality<br />

in all her children. She suffers from the consciousness that many of her children, perhaps the<br />

greater part of them in this world, are not what they ought to be. She knows their weakness,<br />

their sinfulness, their lack of true spirituality. She knows how she is dishonored and disgraced<br />

by their conduct. She cries out to the Lord from the depths of her misery with the voice of the<br />

widow of Naim, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried out to Thee all the day.” “Let Thy<br />

continual pity cleanse and defend Thy Church.”<br />

“Let Thy continual pity cleanse and defend Thy Church.” “I will put enmities between<br />

thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed; she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie<br />

in wait for her heel” (Gn 3:15). Christ and His Church stand on one side and the devil and<br />

his adherents on the other. The enmity between these two factions has endured through the<br />

ages; they are engaged in a battle unto death. This battle has continued from the beginning of<br />

the history of the Church. Powerful enemies against the Church have arisen among the Jews,<br />

among the heathens, among the heretics. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity has been denied;<br />

the divinity of Christ and the unity of His person have been attacked; Original Sin has been<br />

denied, and the doctrine of grace and salvation has been rejected. In later times the Eucharist<br />

was abandoned and the efficacy of the sacraments and the value of the Mass were impugned.<br />

The temporal power of the world was used to attack the Church in an attempt to destroy her.<br />

For three centuries the Roman emperors used every means at hand to persecute bishops and<br />

laity, torturing them with unspeakable cruelty. When Rome failed, the nations of the North and<br />

the South, the powers of the East and the West sought to destroy the Church. As the centuries<br />

passed, the persecutions continued; she was betrayed and maligned, violated and tortured. But<br />

“the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18).<br />

The mercy of God protects and defends the Church; His grace guides her. Without God’s<br />

help she could not resist and overcome the continual persecutions and attacks of the evil one<br />

and his supporters. The fact that she has been able to resist all attacks from without and from<br />

within, and that she has survived all dangers and persecutions, is due primarily to the enduring<br />

mercy of God. The Church herself acknowledges her indebtedness to the goodness of God. “It<br />

is good to give praise to the Lord; and to sing to Thy name, O Most High. To show forth Thy<br />

mercy in the morning and Thy truth in the night” (Gradual).<br />

The Church suffers from the sins and the faults committed by her members. Still she always<br />

remains the holy Church of Christ. We also suffer from such sins and with the Church we<br />

reject them as evil. But we love the Church. We can prove our devotion to our Holy Mother<br />

the Church by walking in the spirit, and by eradicating all sinful thoughts, deeds, and desires<br />


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