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The Easter Cycle<br />

is the kingdom of God on earth. In the Church, which the neophytes have entered by<br />

the gate of baptism, they receive supernatural gifts from heaven. Here they sing a “new<br />

canticle,” the song of the baptized, the song of the beloved children of God who have<br />

arisen from sin. Here in the celebration of Mass the Lord appears to us. We are like the<br />

apostles fishing in their fragile boat, while He appears to us walking on the firm shore of<br />

eternity. In the fire of His passion He has prepared for us fish and bread, which He offers<br />

us in the form of the Eucharist. By this means we become new creatures, cleansed from<br />

sin, and the seed of immortality is implanted in our souls. “Christ, rising again from the<br />

dead, dieth now no more, alleluia; death shall no more have dominion over Him, alleluia,<br />

alleluia” (Communion). We are now one with Him. By virtue of Holy Communion we<br />

share His immortality. Death shall no more have dominion over us. Death must release us<br />

when Christ calls us to eternity. Then we shall enter into the blessed kingdom of eternal<br />

life. “Come, ye blessed of My Father, receive the kingdom which was prepared for you<br />

from the foundation of the world.”<br />

“Ye men of Israel, and ye that fear God [among the heathens], hear. The God of<br />

Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers hath glorified<br />

His Son Jesus, whom you indeed delivered up and denied before the face of Pilate, when<br />

he judged He should be released. But you denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired<br />

a murderer [Barabbas] to be granted unto you. But the Author of life you killed, whom<br />

God hath raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses” (Epistle). We, the baptized, are<br />

also witnesses of this miracle. Baptism imposes on us the duties of a witness, a martyr for<br />

Christ. Therefore we celebrate the holy mysteries today with the holy martyr St. Lawrence.<br />

He reminds us of the fish and bread on the hot coals in today’s Gospel. He is the patron<br />

and the model of the baptized, the living representation of the ideal for which we should<br />

all strive. Like St. Peter and St. Lawrence, we live among unbelievers and those who have<br />

gone astray. We are witnesses of the risen Christ. We have been inspired by His example<br />

and filled with grace by the reception of His holy body. We have become new men, risen<br />

men. We now have new ideals, new strength, and a new outlook on life. We are, as it were, a<br />

living testimony to Christ; He lives and works through us. We must bear witness to Christ’s<br />

resurrection, not with empty words, but by the testimony of a holy life. “I live, now not I,<br />

but Christ liveth in me” (Gal 2:20).<br />

“Come, ye blessed of My Father.” Baptism gives us the right to expect that Christ will address<br />

these words to us and that we shall stand at His right hand on the day of judgment. It gives us<br />

the right to expect that we shall enter heaven triumphantly with Christ. Do we appreciate the<br />

benefits of baptism and live worthy of so great a grace?<br />

Baptism is not an empty ceremony. It is a call to martyrdom for Christ. Are we strong<br />

enough for this? Are we detached from the things of the world? Are our lives truly mortified?<br />

Can we say with St. Paul: “I count all things to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of<br />

Jesus Christ my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but<br />

as dung, that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having my justice which is<br />

of the law, but that which is of the faith of Christ Jesus, which is of God, justice in faith;<br />

that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection [that is, the glorious life which He<br />

now lives and which He imparts to His own] and the fellowship of His sufferings [that is,<br />


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