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The Light of the World<br />

I dare act otherwise? “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross<br />

and follow Me” (Mt 16:24).<br />

Prayer<br />

O God our refuge and our strength, be attentive to the prayers of Thy Church, and grant that<br />

we may seek the things that are of God, and serve Thee in body and soul. Through Christ our<br />

Lord. Amen.<br />

Wednesday<br />

“The kingdom of heaven is like to an householder, who went out early in the morning to hire<br />

laborers into his vineyard” (Gospel). At the third, the sixth, and the ninth hour he returns to the<br />

market place in search of laborers. At the eleventh hour, that is, at the time of the New Covenant,<br />

he called us. “Why stand you here all the day idle? . . . Go you also into my vineyard,” we are told<br />

in the Gospel on Septuagesima Sunday.<br />

The first call. The householder, the heavenly Father, calls us to labor in His vineyard early<br />

in the morning, that is, in our youth. At the time of our baptism He said to us, “Go you<br />

also into My vineyard.” He enclosed us in His holy vineyard, the Church, and set us to<br />

work. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul<br />

and with thy whole mind and thy whole strength” (Mk 12:30). “I am the Lord thy God, . . .<br />

thou shalt not have strange gods before Me” (Ex 20:2 f.). We have declared ourselves<br />

ready to serve Him. We have entered into a solemn agreement to obey God, to observe<br />

His commandments, to promote His honor and glory, and to extend His kingdom. We<br />

are obliged to deny ourselves, to labor for Him, to pray to Him, to suffer for Him, and to<br />

fight for Him. We should use our hands only to execute His will, our tongue only to speak<br />

what He wills. Our feet must carry us only to those places where He would have us be.<br />

Our hearts should love Him alone. All our strength, our powers, our talents, should be<br />

consecrated to His service. He will allow us no other gods. We have the duty to give up<br />

our own will and to live for Him alone. We must forsake our own desires and plans and<br />

preferences. He must be our whole life. We are on earth for only one reason — to know<br />

God, to love Him, and to serve Him. That is our calling.<br />

The second call. With Septuagesima Sunday we enter the Easter cycle. The center of this<br />

division of the Church year is the resurrection of Christ on Easter morning and our resurrection<br />

from sin through baptism. Our preparation for Easter is the renewal of our baptism,<br />

which should bring us a new and more perfect realization of the importance of the call we<br />

have received and of the value of the precious gifts that came to us at baptism. It should renew<br />

and deepen our consciousness also of the obligations we have undertaken. It should make<br />

us ask ourselves seriously whether we have been faithful to these obligations. “I am the Lord<br />

Thy God, . . . thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.” Have we accomplished the task for<br />

which we were called into the vineyard? Could God still not say to us with truth: “Why stand<br />

you here all the day idle?” Why are you occupied with so many vain and useless things? Why<br />

do you serve so many false gods? Why are you so covetous of gold, solicitous for your body<br />

and for its comforts? Why are you chasing so many vain shadows? Why are you so eager to<br />


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